oldest primate

    In sediments off the coast of Mississippi, fossils emerged of an animal 55.8 million years old, the oldest known primate to inhabit North America. It is an adult ape-like creature that weighs no more than 30 grams. It is difficult to imagine that the small primates of this species were able to migrate to this continent from their habitat in Asia. The planet, at that time, was much warmer, with tropical and subtropical conditions in all regions, as the continents drifted apart.

    For countless generations, tree-dwelling primates slowly crossed into America via Siberia, presumably through the Bering Strait, when it was probably heavily wooded. Some primates apparently remained in Greenland and Scotland, links connecting Europe at a time of low ocean levels. This new reconstruction of the dispersal of primates, the order of mammals that includes humans and apes, is part of an analysis of a primate fossil discovered in 2001 near the town of Meridian, Mississippi. The identification and significance of the new species were published in the specialized journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    oldest primate
    Jon Butterworth / Unsplash

    K. Christopher Beard, a paleontologist at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, wrote that the species, Teilhardina magnoliana, is older and more primitive than other primates ever found in North America and Europe. It is at least 100 years older than specimens found in Wyoming's Big Horn Basin and Belgium. The genus is named after Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit and paleontologist who spent years studying fossils in China. Magnoliana is a reference to Mississippi, Magnolia State. “This primate is a tiny little guy,” Beard said in an interview.

    The smallest living primate is the pygmy mouse lemur, about the same size. In the beginning, all primates were small. This one from Mississippi, Beard said, probably looked like a little monkey. Scientists theorize that the genus Teilhardina is not far from the common ancestor between tarsius, small Asian primates, and apes.

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    Certainly the discovery provides science to fix times and dates regarding the appearance of man on the planet, as theories of scholars claim that man has a common ancestor with ape, but we must understand this in relation to the carnal body, as we are the intelligent principle of the Universe , spirit Created independently of the material body, whose races were, in the beginning, fixed, and the ape of that time remains the same ape of today. On the other hand, the spirit that inhabits the human body evolves with each reincarnation. Therefore man did not properly descend from the tree and evolve. Let us remember: “What is of the flesh is flesh; what is of the spirit is spirit”.

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