Ocean Day: universal mobilization for its conservation

    Do the exercise of thinking about everything you use in your daily life. In how many of these items is water present, either in manufacturing or in constitution? Water is essential for all beings because it brings the potential for change and fluidity, while holding the potential for destruction.


    Ocean Day: universal mobilization for its conservationConnecting with your spirituality through water is a way to get to know better who you are, understand your feelings, free yourself from what makes you feel bad, bring about positive changes in the world, create new products and renew your beliefs and their way of interacting with the world.

    It is essential that the lightness of water is always a resource so that we can recognize ourselves as human beings, responsible for maintaining and preserving the lives of other beings. If water is a good that must exist for everyone, it needs to be transformed and renewed so that we always feel clean and in harmony with nature.

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