How to use envy to your advantage

There are so many thoughts, sensations and emotions that dominate our head that we often feel lost in them all and we don't know or even can control them.

What our head reasons, desires, manifests and exposes through our body is partly guided by us and partly not. That is, we can feel angry about something without actually wanting to be feeling it. We can rejoice in something that we were not really supposed to rejoice in. In these and many other situations we can understand how much of us we still don't know and the impotence in the face of some reactions, let's say, "involuntary".

The envy


How to use envy to your advantage

The feeling that most fits in this type of situation is envy. How many times have you felt the urge to be like someone else or have what they have but after all you thought: "I don't need this, it's me anymore"?

It is really difficult to take care of our thoughts and feelings and envy is quite independent in this sense. Often unexpected and not even identified as it should be.

In a more clarified way: envy is part of human behavior, the way in which you express it may or may not be intentional, it all depends on the circumstances in which you find yourself and especially how you are with yourself, safe or insecure, self-confident or not.

teachings of envy

Any feeling, be it good or bad, should bring us a learning experience and that's where we should take envy and make it a chance to discover ourselves and find a way to satisfy what we're lacking.

When we want to have what the other has or to be what he is, we are clearly dissatisfied with something in ourselves, because we don't think we're good enough to stop there. We want more.

This “little pain in the neck” causes harm to himself, by reinforcing his faults and defects with which he is uncomfortable, and it also causes harm to the other, after all we are talking about a “fat eye” even if unintentional.

There is still talk of white envy, the one we can't control and that doesn't hurt anyone, it's the simple reaction of: “gosh, I wish I had it too”. So far so good, it's normal to feel like acquiring other things or finding ourselves in the same situation as someone else. But when it crosses the line and contains negativity, we need to go this opposite way.

Reversing roles in this case means not looking at the other but looking at yourself and identifying what's wrong that doesn't allow you to be happy enough with what you already have. Knowing what bothers you, you can create plans to love yourself more, invest more in yourself and be happier.

When we are fully satisfied with our life, the happiness and success of others show up as another reason to share joy with those around us, and not as a reason for empty desires and feelings.

When you feel envy and realize that you are going over the top, look at yourself, improve what is inside you and live in peace internally and externally, doing good for your being and for those who live with you.

Text written by Júlia Zayas from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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