A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 32


    Grunting, growling, croaking, chirping, screeching, meowing, barking and other similar noises are typical for animals and they understand each other very well in this primitive way of exchanging recognitions. We don't need these sounds, because we have the mechanism of speech, one of the most notable leverage forces in the evolutionary epic of humanity: with language, we start to hit each other less and even ask for a little bit, instead of hitting the head with a club. from the other person!

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 32

    What's wrong or troublesome to respond properly to a greeting like, “How are you? Any news?" There are people who simply ignore this manifestation and, at most, grunt, growl, croak, chirp, screech, meow, bark or make any other sound from their throats and move on, leaving the molecules of their bad mood and their sourness. They lack understanding that extensive greeting is a valuable way of bringing people together, also opening up communication channels and making interesting connections for later.

    We all want to be recognized and get to know everyone, and we make use of extensive greetings to facilitate this process. A few minutes, if that, are enough for us to know a little more about the other person, in the same proportion that we allow them to know about us, even if we see that person every day, like co-workers, for example.

    Be a grateful difference in people's lives, making extensive greetings an opportunity for recognition of importance in relation to the other, which may not seem like it, but exerts a strong influence on relational styles from then on.

    A hundred ways to make a difference in people's lives - Chapter 32

    Two facts concerning extensive compliance. The first, confided in by a friend, was an agreement between him and his wife, both of whom were tired of the arguments that resulted from the tensions of everyday life: it was agreed that if one of them did not respond to the extensive greeting on the other, it was a sign for him to disappear for a while, because the mood of the one who didn't answer was certainly a horror! According to him, the deal made was very successful and the “ranch-tails” decreased a lot and they, after 20 years of marriage, still call themselves “Xuxú” and “Krute-Krute”.

    Another fact comes from my experiences as a teacher and group facilitator: already tired of those group dynamics at the opening of events, almost always a nuisance to everyone, I decided, once, to receive the group members and provoke conversations about topics of interest. general, such as traffic, rains, quick and tasty snacks and moving on until, at a given moment, from my “reading” of the environment, I turned on the data-show and a slide appeared on the screen with the phrase "Good Morning! Since we're friends, let's get to work!” and the course, the class, whatever, began! Everyone knew each other, the atmosphere of camaraderie was heating up, the extensive greetings had done their part, and the formal movement could begin!

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