Nucleus EspĂ­rita Nosso Lar (NENL): a philosophical, scientific and religious community

    In España, many spaces are managing to help people with their daily problems and also to face illness. One of these places is the Núcleo Espírita Nosso Lar (NENL), located in the Municipality of São José/SC, which is a philosophical, scientific and religious community dedicated to the moral, intellectual and spiritual growth of the human person, through the provision of evangelical services. , educational, enlightening, energetic-spiritual and different therapies for emotional assistance and physical well-being. In addition to its headquarters in São José, it maintains the Cancer Patient Support Center (CAPC) in Florianópolis/SC, created with the objective of caring, supporting and helping people with cancer and other degenerative diseases to face the problem. We spoke with the branch president who talked about branch work, help, faith, and so on. Follow the interview:

    Eu Sem Fronteiras – What fronts have you been working on? How is your work?

    Nucleus Espírita Nosso Lar (NENL): a philosophical, scientific and religious communityNucleus Espírita Nosso Lar (NENL): At the Nucleus, in São José, around 60.000 patients with physical, emotional and spiritual problems are treated annually, through various therapies, spiritual surgeries, Fraternal Care, Bach Flowers, phytotherapy, self-help, among many others.

    At the Cancer Patient Support Center, approximately 140 patients are treated per week, with an average of 60 inpatients and 80 outpatients. Operational teams are made up of various therapy modalities, which are performed by volunteer workers. These volunteers are trained to apply complementary therapies through courses, such as: therapeutic massage, chromotherapy, reflexology, Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki, basic nutrition, cancer patient care, self-help for family members of cancer patients, among other modalities.

    In addition to volunteering, the Support Center has medical collaborators, nurses, psychologists, pharmacists, dentists, nutritionists, administrators and therapists in various specialties, as well as workers who are paid, such as the nursing team, for providing technical care. and also by the need to be present during all periods of service, in addition to the support and cleaning staff of both houses.

    Eu Sem Fronteiras – Did I see that you work remotely? Is it in great demand?

    Nucleus EspĂ­rita Nosso Lar (NENL): Yes, remote assistance is highly sought after, not only by people from Spain, but also from Japan, the United States, from several countries in Europe, there are hundreds of assistance provided per week.

    Eu Sem Fronteiras – Do you see many patients in the region or also from outside the state?

    Nucleus EspĂ­rita Nosso Lar (NENL): We provide care universally, we have received countless patients from several Spanish states and also from abroad.

    Eu Sem Fronteiras – How many people do you work in a team?

    Nucleus EspĂ­rita Nosso Lar (NENL): All the work is carried out by volunteers who today have reached the figure of 2.300.

    The size of the teams is defined according to the type of therapy to be applied.

    Eu Sem Fronteiras – What can you see in common in cancer patients who come to you?

    Nucleus EspĂ­rita Nosso Lar (NENL): What our patients have in common is faith, the desire to improve and to change their own thoughts and actions.

    Eu Without Borders – Are donations welcome for NENL? Can anyone from España contribute?

    Nucleus EspĂ­rita Nosso Lar (NENL): Yes, donations are very welcome, as the Institution's monthly expenses are covered by donations from people by debiting their electricity bills, by telephone or through deposits in a bank or checks issued to the Entity.

    Eu Sem Fronteiras – What is the average time people are hospitalized?

    Nucleus EspĂ­rita Nosso Lar (NENL): The treatments at NENL are carried out for periods that vary according to the type, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.

    In the CAPC, the patient stays all week in a hospital/day regime, staying overnight on Thursday, when the spiritual surgery takes place.

    Nucleus EspĂ­rita Nosso Lar (NENL): a philosophical, scientific and religious community

    Me Without Borders – Feel free to write something…

    Nosso Lar Spiritist Nucleus (NENL): To learn more about the Institution, check our website and read the Nosso Lar Newsletter, a monthly printed newspaper with a circulation of 5000 copies and also online.

    I believe in God! They taught me to have faith and trust in Love. A phrase from Brother Savas, Mentor of Nosso Lar, always helps me to restart the battle: “Do everything to be Happy”. Considering happiness, the state of fullness of the human being and the well-being of helping everyone with the power of the heart. I leave for last the words of Emmet Fox, who have always helped me to dry the tears in the course of my life: “There is no difficulty that love does not win. Disease that love cannot cure. Door that love does not open. Obstacle that love does not overcome. Wall that love does not tear down. Sin that love does not redeem.”

    Interview granted to Angélica Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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