no one will save me

This is what I discovered when I became aware that I am responsible for my feelings and for the choices I have made and will continue to make in my life.

Nobody said growing up and maturing would be easy., but this is only possible from the moment we make choices, walk the journey, gather experiences, reflect on them and develop the discernment to constantly make better choices day after day.

Nobody said that fulfilling our dreams and our life purpose would be easy., but with patience, determination and persistence, we are able to continually scatter seeds and wait for them to thrive and germinate, bearing much fruit along the way.

Nobody said living in society would be easy, but coexistence with any people can become more harmonious if we do our part so that everything flows in peace and if we use friction wisely to appease tempers and take a valuable lesson out of this situation. Often the value learning is cultivating silence.

Nobody said dealing with our own feelings would be easy., but evolution takes place from the moment we become aware of who we are and how to transform unpleasant sensations into valuable learning, so that we can better live with ourselves. After all, you will live with yourself and your body throughout your life. If you don't like yourself, if you don't love yourself, if you don't take actions to raise your self-esteem, don't expect someone else to do it for you.

no one will save me

Sometimes we put ourselves in the role of victims, believing that the other is capable of making us happy and we place the conditions of this happiness on the other. So we started to charge the other for not taking continuous actions to surprise us, to praise us, to invite us out, to love us. So we cultivate jealousy and start to control the actions of the other, so that they correspond to our expectations and accomplish only what we want and that makes us feel good or superior.

We must be aware that it is our role and responsibility to carry out continuous actions for our own evolution. This happens through self-knowledge and personal stoning.

We often play the role of advisors to others when we have not even managed to control our own thoughts, emotions and actions. We can only help the other to identify new and better paths if we first know how to find our own direction.

no one will save me

It is when we walk the path that we come to know the stones.

And it's not because certain stones will appear in our path that they will be the same stones in the other's path. Respecting the decisions of the other and letting them go their own way can be the learning we need to have. Because, sometimes, we want the good of the other so much that we end up interfering with their learning and preventing them from maturing, conquering their own experiences.

Let's be light in our own way first. Let us first cultivate our own light, so that, by illuminating our own direction, we can indirectly contribute to illuminating the direction of the other as a beacon. The best way to teach is to be an example. And being an example is the challenge for all of us.

You may like another article by this author. Check out: New horizons for the soul – a private journey.

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