No longer an article about Seaspiracy

    At first I was reluctant to watch Seaspiracy, as documentaries that involve animals and humans exploiting and mistreating them make me so sick. I've never had to watch the horrors of human destruction to make me aware of something that needs to be done on the planet, it starts with me first.

    By the way, this article is profound. So I leave here the warning that, perhaps, you are not ready to hear certain truths. It's ok not to read to the end. Stay in peace. A hug.

    If you want to read it, welcome to finish reading and leave a polite comment if you feel it in your heart.

    Come on? 😊

    Seaspiracy is a Netflix documentary that addresses numerous questions regarding marine life and its oceans, as well as man's relationship with them. It's a very similar format to Cowspiracy, the Cow Conspiracy. Both are serious and very sad documentaries. They show the truth behind the lies they tell about the lives of millions of innocent animals, slaughtered daily.

    In the case of “Seaspiracy: Red Sea” or Unsustainable Fishing, the doc addresses the fallacies behind commercial fishing, slavery cases, massacre with endorsements of governments and NGOs that support it all, behind the scenes. As I already imagined and I always said around, that it is not a fight for the end of the straw that will make the ocean survive. In fact, the documentary itself mentions that straws pollute 0,03% of the oceans, that is, it is the least of the problems.

    Cases such as commercial fishing, illegal fishing, whaling, mutilation of sharks, disposal of fishing nets and equipment in the oceans, gigantic fish farms, fish feed in nurseries, disposal of inappropriate sharks and dolphins, massacres against dolphins, commercialization illegal tuna and other endangered fish and so many other horrendous things that human beings do to satisfy their whims that do not fit in the comic book!

    There are, yes, the immense amounts of plastic that are thrown into the seas, so several animals also die, tangled in these nets or swallowing absurd amounts of plastic, in addition to everything that has been said before.

    No longer an article about Seaspiracy
    Engin Akyurt / Pexels

    At the end of the doc, a consideration was made so that this great absurdity loses its strength and, who knows, doesn't exist: stopping consuming fish could lead to the end of it all! And that's where a lot of people get confused.

    Being the vegetarian that I am, I've heard and still hear a lot of nonsense out there. Things I wish I hadn't heard, coming from people I know, including. Some speciesist comments like: “animals exist for us to eat”, “I am a carnivorous person”, “if it were the other way around, they would eat us” and so on.

    In yoga we use the term “Ahimsa”, meaning non-violence. An invitation to practice non-violence. And when we say that, we are including all beings. We even have a mantra that says “lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu”, which translates to “may all beings be happy”. In fact, not only in yoga, but in various holistic therapies, we bring a sense of pure and unconditional love to all beings. And when we say all beings, we can't just include those that we domesticate and that are cute, but ALL BEINGS, of all species, without distinction.

    No longer an article about Seaspiracy
    Francesco Ungaro / Pexels

    Something very curious here needs to be rethought and maybe this generates a certain discomfort, depending on who is going to read it, but it is a bit contradictory for people who practice holistic therapies, study them in depth and still consume animals. Veterinarians who care for some animals and eat others. These are some questions that I cannot conceive in my mind.

    Returning to the case of the documentary Seaspiracy, as well as all the other documentaries that warn of the rampant and unhealthy consumerism for animal meat, it is crucial to make it very clear that, yes: the more people truly become aware of everything that has been happening and exterminate meat animal as part of their meals, and any other uses, many problems in the world will be stopped. If you look at it, the cases all over the world that led us to the destruction of something, pandemics, epidemics, diseases and severe illnesses, started from animal exploitation.

    We, who already have knowledge about so many techniques that permeate self-knowledge and spirituality, and knowing that everything is one thing, why not listen once and for all to the call of cosmic consciousness to free ourselves from human vanity and cruelty?

    • Know what it means to dream about fish
    • 3 surprising ways to look better with the help of natural salt
    • Discover the fish and seafood that have the least mercury
    • Adopt veganism as a philosophy of life
    • Watch 11 documentaries that bring reflections on the environment

    Feeling sorry for a puppy on the street is very easy when you don't want to open yourself completely to the truth that is in front of you and see that a fish has the same value as the doggo and even the same value as you! Both have life and feel pain, joy and sadness. So what makes you think your life matters most?

    If you really want to change the world, start with your plate. Start by aligning what you do, being congruent in every sense of your life.

    That, yes, changes the world.

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