New Year's Eve – Day of Hope?

    Another year begins and with it we renew our hopes for a better year. But does the change of the year in the calendar have so much power to transform everything?

    I realize that we often wish for a magical solution to things: the year turns and life changes. Fortunately or unfortunately, it is not so.

    Change requires work, effort, dedication and a lot of persistence. The years go by and they don't ask if we want it.

    A year is 365 days long and this is measured by the time it takes the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun. And it is by carrying out his work slowly and continuously that he gives us the constant opportunity for change. The Gregorian calendar, followed around the world, repeats itself without change – except in leap years – and this shows that we are the writers of our lives.

    Every dawn, a new choice. We spend our lives making decisions. What to study, what profession we want to have, where to live, whether or not to have a partner or a pet. We care about what surrounds our life, with everything outside. We forget, however, that what makes the big difference in our lives is the inner world in harmony. When we manage to reach a certain level of balance, we begin to perceive the external world in a different way.

    New Year's Eve – Day of Hope?

    The world, however, has not changed. The Earth continued to slowly rotate around the Sun to fulfill its goal, offering each of us yet another opportunity for self-knowledge.

    We took advantage of the turn of the year to set goals for the following year. But, from the first week onwards, do we remember the established goals? Or do we go back to automatic mode and do everything as before?

    The willingness to do things differently, to seek inner peace, is within each of us. This is not bought, not sold, not earned, only conquered. The will is the driving force, not the year. Sometimes we are seen as cold or boring for speaking this way. However, the disappointment of what is not realized, because it was only idealized, does not threaten us. When we think and act with our feet in reality, life becomes more transparent and we learn to deal with it better.

    Is eating lentils worth it? Save Grape Seed Worth? Is jumping 7 waves worth it? Everything can be done, as long as we don't place the expectations of achieving our goals in those things that are outside of us. This is idealizing and looking for the magic answer to the solution of our problems.

    Is it worth waiting less, charging less, being more understanding, loving more, being more patient, more affectionate, more welcoming? Certainly! Well, then we will be looking inside ourselves, seeking to become better people and using each of the 365 days to make the new year different. While the Earth does its part, we do ours.

    Thus, I wish everyone the disposition and the will to make themselves better beings so that the world can be better.

    I leave a sentence by historian Leandro Karnal for reflection and that we can continue together in 2017!

    β€œWhat I think changes nothing but my thinking, what I do with it changes everything!”

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