New wine in old wineskins

A person needs to renew himself, otherwise he would be looking at a new world with an old vision. She needs to understand that everything is constantly changing, so it is necessary to review concepts (until you no longer need them), review values ​​and oxygenate the mind with new experiences. All growth, all expansion of consciousness will depend on it: an ability to look at the world with love, acceptance, understanding and respect.

The pre-Socratics were right, especially Heraclitus of Ephesus, the source of everything is becoming, for no man can bathe twice in the same river; we cannot continue to look at the present with our feet anchored in the past, because all the news would continue to be treated in a prejudiced way. It is precisely when we accept the new that learning takes place.

New wine in old wineskins

If companies that achieved great success 30 years ago continue to operate in the same way, regardless of the changes in the world, they will be doomed to bankruptcy. If you want to educate your children by imposing concepts that no longer fit current demands, you will be responsible for generational conflicts.

Understand, change is part of the Universal dynamics, everything is born and reborn at all times, from the cells of our body to the orbs of this infinite space. All external information from each lived experience will be processed in our inner world, all this through concepts, certainties, patterns and the entire program of beliefs that exist in us. Reactions may or may not be problematic, depending on the emotional collection and characteristics of each one (character).

β€œIn my time, nobody got tattoos!” Who hasn't heard something similar? What can we see in this type of placement? We are simply facing someone incapable of accepting social transformations. He wants people to continue being manufactured in the same way they were centuries ago, and it just reminds me of the image of a stupid dog chasing cars; he runs around barking uselessly until he gets tired and accepts that he is incapable of stopping becoming.

No matter how wonderful the revelation a person may receive, if he is hermetically sealed in an outdated and anachronistic view of reality, it will be like giving pearls to swine.

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New wine must be kept in a new wineskin, otherwise it would spill over.

Wanting the world to remain inert, following the same system of beliefs, guided by the same laws, without any kind of renewal is typical of conservative people who have not realized the size of this insanity. The Universe does not condone this posture, because everything is constantly evolving.

New wine in old wineskins

Man is still extremely prejudiced against the new, so we need art. The true artist is the one who manages to plant new stakes and establish new frontiers, even if he has to suffer hostilities to do so. Those who are 'shocked' by this generation are the same ones who need to deconstruct old certainties. Our entire process of liberation will depend on this: deconstructing.

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