Improve your business with Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that balances all existing energies in a space, making it more harmonious and balanced. With the help of colors, objects and various materials, you can positively (or negatively) energize any environment you want.

Therefore, Feng Shui can also be used to leave your office, atelier or any other workspace well energized, in a positive way, so that you feel happier and with even more desire to develop your work.

In addition, it's always great to do everything you can to leave negative energies out โ€“ especially when the focus is on the professional environment, where challenges are launched every day and goals need to be met.

Below, you will find several tips on how to improve the energy of your workplace through Feng Shui techniques and concepts. Consequently, your business will prosper and improve! What are you waiting for? Put it all into practice and enjoy the results!


The desk is a place where you spend a lot of time in your day. Therefore, it must be a pleasant place that emanates good energies, to keep you motivated, focused and well energized. Therefore, care must be taken with the objects you leave on it, as well as its organization.

  • Upper left side: Wisdom space. Put a book that has to do with your activity, like a dictionary, if you write a lot; a book on economics, if you work with the financial market; and so on. Next to the book, choose a pot with a real plant - which you will have to take care of, as dead plants carry negative energy.
  • Upper right side: Still in the energy focused on new partnerships, placing a metal object or just a metallic object in the upper right corner stimulates creativity. That is, you will have a mind full of new ideas and you will meet new partners who will embrace your projects. Everything is completed! 
  • Above the computer: With your computer positioned in the center of the table, it is worth choosing an object to place above it, that is, in the upper center. Choose an object with vibrant colors, such as orange, red or yellow, because these are tones that symbolize energy and strength. This will give you more energy and disposition. The top center position represents success. Therefore, it is very important to value this positioning.
  • Center: Keeping the computer in the center of the table is ideal. This placement will not only help you maintain a more upright posture, lessening the likelihood that you will have pain from being in an uncomfortable position, but it is also conducive to energy release โ€“ the center of the table represents the focus of your career.
  • Right side: The right side represents relationships โ€“ which, in the field of business, corresponds to partnerships. Then, on the right side of the computer (it may be a little farther away, but not too far), place a frame of your family's picture or something that has a pair. Since this is the partnerships and new business side, it is worth leaving the phone in this hemisphere as well, to attract new customers and opportunities.
  • Left side: The left side corresponds to prosperity, money and, consequently, the profits of your business. Put a multifaceted crystal and, on a paper, write down everything that is happening in your company (in short, a word that defines each project is ideal). Leave the paper next to the crystal.
  • Under the table: Placing a trash can on the table is not ideal, even if it is small. Garbage carries everything that no longer serves us, so it shouldn't be placed next to everything here that is still of value. So put a trash can under the table.
  • Drawers: Keep all sharp objects in the drawers, as they cut the power if they are in an open environment. Take them out of the drawer at the time of use and then put everything away immediately.
other tips

Improve your business with Feng ShuiNow that your work table has energetic elements and all positioned correctly, some other tips are extremely valuable and apply to your entire room, company, or whatever environment you work in. Look:

  • Organization: Being organized is paramount. Clutter breaks the flow of energy. Messy company, messy and disorganized business. When everything is in its place, all work flows better.
  • Recycling: Once every fortnight, separate all the paper from your desk that no longer serves you (and any other recyclable object) and take it to recycling. Not only does this help the environment, it also helps you keep everything organized. Therefore, it is worth having a specific waste for everything that can be recycled.
  • Documents and files: Keep documents and files organized โ€“ this goes for the ones on your computer โ€“ so they're always within easy reach and you don't have to waste work time looking for something. And you know that recycling made with papers and other objects every fortnight? It also applies to documents and files, especially on the computer, which tend to accumulate in greater quantities.
  • Bad energy from other people: Yes, it exists โ€“ and how it exists! Many people are jealous of your work and success, like other investors or competitors. This represents a charge of negative energy for you. There are even people who emanate negative energy without realizing it. Envy, jealousy, gossipโ€ฆ All of this slows down the work. Protect yourself from all this. Place a mirror on your living room door (outside, just above the jamb).

Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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