Natural treatment for sinusitis

Many people confuse sinusitis with rhinitis, and this confusion occurs because both cause nasal secretion and obstruction. But there is a difference between the two: rhinitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nose, with symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy nose and nasal congestion. Sinusitis, on the other hand, is associated with some infections, such as asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis and even rhinitis - both can occur in isolation, but it is more common for sinusitis to be a "consequence" of rhinitis (a disease called rhinosinusitis).

Sinusitis affects children, adolescents and adults, and in winter cases of the disease grow significantly due to the increase in flu and colds. Furthermore, sinusitis is further divided into two types: acute and chronic. Keep reading to find out more.

acute sinusitis

Acute sinusitis is characterized by severe pain in the most affected facial sinus (maxillary, frontal, sphenoid or ethmoid). The pain in this case is like twinges that "pulse" or that promote the sensation of heaviness or pressure in the individual's head. The nose becomes congested, with green or yellow secretion, which makes breathing difficult due to the “thick” consistency, which may also contain the presence of blood. It is normal that, in this type of sinusitis, the individual feels tired, has a fever, loses appetite, feels muscle pain and coughs. It usually lasts less than a month.

chronic sinusitis

Natural treatment for sinusitis
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In this case, sinus pain and fever are not always present. In chronic sinusitis, symptoms appear at night and increase in intensity when the person lies down, as the mucous secretions flow through the nasal cavities, affecting the airways and causing cough, which is the most common symptom in this type of sinusitis. – and is usually more frequent in the morning. Chronic sinusitis tends to last for more than three months.

sinusitis symptoms

The most common symptoms of both types of sinusitis are pain or pressure in the face, headache, discharge and nasal congestion. But here is a list of all the possible symptoms of this disease:

  • Pain behind the eyes, in the face, in the forehead and in the ears;
  • Cough;
  • Headache;
  • Runny nose, loss of smell, sneezing;
  • greenish or yellowish phlegm;
  • Tiredness, fever;
  • Pressure in the sinuses;
  • throat irritation;
  • Insomnia;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Nose bleeding;
  • Muscle aches.

Sinusitis diagnosis

To obtain the diagnosis, the patient needs to consult an otolaryngologist or general practitioner. Commonly, the evaluation is based on the observation of the symptoms presented and the palpation of the facial sinuses to confirm whether or not there is sensitivity there. In some cases, the doctor may order tests such as the following:

Natural treatment for sinusitis
AndreyPopov / Getty Images / Canva

- Computed tomography: exam that allows the analysis of inflammation and observation of the anatomy of the sinuses;

- Nasal endoscopy: consists of introducing a tube through the nasal passages to observe their interior, with the aim of identifying the presence of polyps that can cause sinusitis;

– Allergy tests: when the doctor does not find bacteria or viruses in the tests performed, he chooses the allergy test to see if there is any allergic cause;

– Collection of secretions: the doctor takes a sample of the patient's nasal secretions to check for the presence of viruses or bacteria.

In the past, an X-ray was a much-requested exam for the diagnosis of sinusitis, but with the advancement of technology, computed tomography is more reliable when it comes to confirming the diagnosis.

Natural treatments for sinusitis

There are numerous ways to treat sinusitis, both acute and chronic, and for each type or severity, specific medications are prescribed. But today we will teach you some natural and easily accessible treatments to treat this disease that affects so many people around the world. But note: it is always valid to consult a doctor to obtain the diagnosis and make the best treatment for your case.

Eucalyptus vapor inhalation (acute sinusitis)

Natural treatment for sinusitis
ljubaphoto / Getty Images Signature / Canva

Eucalyptus has antiseptic and expectorant properties that help relieve symptoms of acute sinusitis, especially nasal congestion. But it is worth noting that some people may be sensitive to eucalyptus oil, and in these cases, the symptoms can get worse. If this occurs, avoid inhaling!


  • 6 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 1 level teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.


Place all the ingredients in a bowl. Then, tilt your head to breathe in the steam from the basin, covering yourself with a towel or cloth so the steam doesn't "escape". It is very important that you breathe in the steam for about 10 minutes, if possible two to three times a day.

If you cannot find the essential oil, you can do the same procedure with eucalyptus leaves, as the oil contained in them evaporates with the heat of the water.

Mint Juice with Nettle (Sinusitis Due to Rhinitis)

Natural treatment for sinusitis
NEW / Getty Images / Canva

Nettle and peppermint have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties that help reduce sinus irritation and eliminate nasal secretions, providing significant relief from the symptoms of sinusitis caused by an allergy.


  • 4 nettle leaves;
  • 12 mint leaves;
  • 250 ml of coconut water;
  • 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus honey.


Cook the nettle leaves in a pan with 300 ml of filtered water. Then put them in a blender with the rest of the ingredients. Blend until the juice is smooth and drink twice a day, preferably between main meals.

Inhalation with boiled onion (chronic sinusitis)

Natural treatment for sinusitis
anandaBGD / Getty Images Signature / Canva

Onion has antiviral and antibacterial properties that help relieve the symptoms of chronic sinusitis.


  • 1 large chopped onion;
  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • 4 mint leaves.


Put the water in a bowl and add the onion and mint leaves. Breathe in the steam that will come out of the basin, covering your head with a towel or cloth.

How to get rid of sinusitis fast?

In addition to treating yourself with prescription drugs and the natural recipes mentioned above, to get rid of sinusitis more quickly, you need to take some precautions: wash your nose with saline three to four times a day; do not stay for a long time in closed environments without drafts; avoid inhaling smoke or breathing dust and drink two liters of water a day.

What is good for loosening phlegm from sinusitis?

A great ally to eliminate the phlegm accumulated because of sinusitis is nebulization with water, eucalyptus and salt, as mentioned above. Salt and water have the power to enhance the refreshing and decongesting effect of eucalyptus, thus providing the release of nasal passages congested by sinusitis. Another important tip is to drink the juice of 1 lemon, with the juice of 1 orange, 1 tablespoon of honey and 4 drops of propolis extract.

How to relieve pain in the face because of sinusitis?

Natural treatment for sinusitis
AndreaPiacquadio / Pexels / Canva

In addition to nebulization with saline, making a hot compress on the forehead and over the eyes is a good option to relieve facial pain and discomfort caused by sinusitis - the heat warms the nasal passages and helps in the release of secretions. Try putting a warm cloth over your eyes and feel the relief that this simple action will give you!

Food during sinus attacks

Some foods can make sinusitis worse. If you are in a crisis, avoid the consumption of milk, fatty meats, very cold foods, fruits such as persimmons, pears and watermelon. These foods facilitate the creation of mucus in the body, which causes it to “park” in the sinuses.

  • Sinusitis and Rhinitis: Understand what your body wants to tell you
  • How can eucalyptus help you breathe better?
  • Sinusitis, cold or allergy? Learn how to differentiate symptoms

Prefer to consume the following foods when you have sinusitis: carrots, zucchini, chayote, beets, potatoes (all cooked); cabbage, chicory, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach; wholegrain rice and pasta, quinoa, flaxseed, oatmeal; parsley, ginger, chives, coriander, basil, garlic; guava, peach, plum, grape; ginger, chamomile, eucalyptus and mint tea.

Never forget to always consult a doctor to get the correct diagnosis and always let him know your preference for natural treatments. Share this article with your friends so they know what to do during a sinus crisis!

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