Myrrh incense: the aroma of spirituality!

Myrrh incense: the aroma of spirituality!

Myrrh is the resin that an African plant releases. The tree can reach up to five meters in height and stands out for its thorns. In addition, myrrh is known to grow in very dry regions, under the intense sun, and for having been one of the gifts given to Jesus Christ by the three Magi.

Furthermore, myrrh is used to develop spirituality and encourage love. To achieve this purpose easily, the incense of this plant is the best option. Next, learn more about the spiritual benefits of myrrh and how to use this very powerful incense!

Spiritual benefits of myrrh

Nature, like us, is made up of energy. Each element transmits a distinct vibration, which can help us in different areas of our lives. With the topics we have prepared, find out which are the energies that myrrh transmits!

1) Understanding

Myrrh is a plant that encourages understanding between people and it is through it that we recognize that everyone has their own story and that we must respect and love each other. From this principle, myrrh helps us to live in harmony with those around us.

2) Pureza

Another virtue inspired by myrrh is purity, as the plant has the ability to cleanse the spirit of those in contact with it, pushing away negative thoughts and any kind of evil influence. In this way, we can cultivate optimism, positivity and self-knowledge.

3) Protection

Myrrh is a sacred plant and is widely used in religious rituals. The reason for this is that it brings protection to those who use it, chasing away all evil. Myrrh incense was even widely used in burials, so that the soul of those who died could be guided to salvation.

How to use myrrh incense

There are many ways to enjoy the benefits of myrrh and frankincense is one of them. In this case, it is important that you buy the incense from a reliable place, first of all, to make sure that you will be in touch with the energies of the plant.

In general, myrrh incense is a small stick with a thinner end and a thicker end. You should hold it by the thinner end and light the thicker end with fire, until it starts to burn.

Once the incense is smoking, you can walk around the room that needs the myrrh energies. Take the aroma to every corner, mentalizing what you want to push away and attract to that place.

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In addition, you can use myrrh incense in a more targeted way, to improve your energies. In this case, after lighting it, make circular movements around you, letting the smoke surround you. Cultivate the best thoughts as you do this, to gain more understanding, to cleanse your spirit, and to protect yourself from harm.

Considering each information presented about myrrh incense, you already know how to use it to harness the energies of the plant. If you want to live in harmony with people, increase your self-knowledge and surround yourself with good vibes, trust the sacred aroma that myrrh provides!

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