my jealousy betrayed me

    Jealousy under the “DYNAMIC VISION”

    You know that jealousy we feel that makes our chest hurt? Have you ever felt it? I already... and a lot...
    It's when we imagine the loved one doing something that would hurt us and we martyr ourselves with the mental scene. We actually hurt ourselves with this act of thinking.
    We delve deeper and deeper into the imagination and feel fear, anger and even panic. 

    my jealousy betrayed me
    We even came to be sure that it was real.

    But will it?
    Well, I want to bring a DYNAMIC VIEW on jealousy. 

    In our concept of “Dynamic Vision”, nothing stands still, everything is a constant arrangement.

    so, in the next minute, we can be absolutely sure that we haven't suffered any kind of betrayal, being able to go on with our lives freely and peacefully without any worries.

    And how to make this quantum change when it comes to something as strong as jealousy?
    For starters, raising awareness. And for that, an exercise. 


    Answer the question: 
    Whose imagination is it? 
    That's right, who can imagine the scene of the other doing this or that?

    So who has the cheating ideas? 
    Again, you!

    Terrible realization, isn't it? 
    The imagination of the betrayal scene comes from you.

    The entire idea, conception and mental practice came from her mind, as did the setting, techniques, mode of operation and, if you don't mind, even the act of love itself! 

    my jealousy betrayed me

    Why, see! It's you who's doing the whole betrayal process, so who is feeding the betrayal is you. As for the other I don't know, but certainly if anyone has the potential to cheat, it's you.

    If you have this whole process inside you, the betrayal is in you and not in the other. 

    And, of course, that scares. It scares you so much that you get angry and fight with each other.

    But realizing this, you should not, on the other hand, turn that anger on yourself. 

    The simple fact of realizing that it is not the other who causes the jealousy but you yourself, due to numerous factors (and then only a therapeutic process, for example, could better clarify why these ideas come to you), already makes you see that the other is in his corner, running his life and not doing anything bad against him. you, on the contrary, probably just wanting your good and your best.
    Got it?

     You will feel more confident knowing that everything is part of your own mind and not from the other. And even if you are frightened by your own thoughts, you will know that they are yours.

    And they are just thoughts, nothing more. 
    He will then see the other with the eyes of acceptance and not distrust.

    my jealousy betrayed me

    Of course, there may be situations where the partner will be in another relationship simultaneously. And then it will not be a fantasy of your mind but a concrete fact, however, in this case, the situation must be treated within reality and not in the fertile and dangerous terrain of imagination.

    Jealousy will be real and should be seen as such. But in the right measure and not in the realm of the imaginary, the monstrous and the threatening, as in most cases, and which, thanks to this, undermines and, in the end, ends up with beautiful and loving relationships.

    Well, I'll stop here and invite you to have a chat with coffee in my Therapeutic Space, either physically or virtually.

    Kisses in the heart.

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