Music therapy: life can be a cipher of music

Music is an old friend present in everyone's life. Just like a moment or a phase in life, music has the cipher. Interpretation is capable of making us happy, of reminding us of certain moments or even making us emerge within ourselves, that is, she is transformative.

A music therapy is a treatment that uses sounds and songs to prevent and treat disease. It can be used both in a group or school to improve communication and expression, as well as as a therapeutic treatment for people with disabilities.

This technique does not physically, mentally and emotionally age. Some research has shown how much it has helped people with Alzheimer's treatment. Some hospitals and clinics are adopting the method to improve the interaction between their patients and increase their self-esteem.

How it works?

It can be applied by Bachelor of Music Therapy to perform group sessions or individual sessions.

Music therapy is used for the following cases: special education, geriatrics, depression, phobia, anxiety, learning difficulties, psychiatry. Soon the effects of this technique are very visible. First it improves blood pressure with heart rate and then breathing.

Music in this sense can be considered a strong influence on the formation of the individual's personality. In addition to awakening creativity, it works on the development of sensitivity and contributes to a better relationship, whether individual or collective.

The benefits of music therapy
  • Music therapy: life can be a cipher of musicStimulates good mood;
  • Improves physical endurance
  • Relief from headaches;
  • Promotes relaxation;
  • Develops self-esteem;
  • Improves body expression;
  • Better concentration;
  • Increased physical and mental disposition.
What song to listen to?

Taste is taste and style is style. It couldn't be different with music. There are no rules on which music to listen to during music therapy. the musicas selected are based on the anamnesis and ISO of each patient or group, already identified by the music therapist, always thinking about the improvement and evolution of the case.

From classical to contemporary songs, what matters is releasing your voice, sound and singing. Sing as if no one is listening or judging. Through music it is possible to feel joy, because when you sing endorphins are released, which is why the technique works with such positive results for people undergoing depression treatment.

Fighting disease with music therapy

Its results are so significant that the method is being evaluated to help treat conditions such as stress. This is because music acts immediately on the emotional, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation.

A research carried out by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, in the United States, proved that listening to music can have positive effects in the treatment of chronic pain, such as those caused by cancer. Quite a bit of news for those who prefer to keep the sound very low and not give in to the music.

What are you waiting for? Surrender. Turn up the volume. When you're sad, put on some lively music and dance. If you want to relax, some relaxing music. Make your own soundtrack and live it!

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