Music and its benefits for the mind

Music and its benefits for the mind

Often, when someone hears a sound such as rain falling, musical instruments or birds, for example, changes occur in the mind, generating a complete feeling of well-being. On the other hand, when listening to music that is too loud or with a heavy melody, it promotes a feeling of agitation and irritability. But, after all, what are the effects of music on the human mind?

Music plays a very important role in society, it also has a positive effect on the mind and body. You can even go back to the early stages of development when you begin to perceive the first sounds and rhythms inside the mother's belly. At the fetal level, when in embryonic development, synchrony is achieved in the rhythm of the mother's and child's heartbeat and criticality is established. This is where surprisingly some of the first rhythms related to language and music patterns occur.

It has been scientifically proven that music has numerous benefits for the mind and body. It is a fundamental element for the development of human health and well-being, with chemical effects on the brain that activate memory and feelings.

It is good to remember that music is present in every moment of life. In children, for example, it is present when they sing, dance or say phrases from songs in their games, at mealtime and even when they fall asleep with a lullaby. Thus, music becomes a tool for the development of the multiple qualities of the human being, which affects the affective, cognitive and social spheres of the individual.

The idea of โ€‹โ€‹music and sound as forms of cultural expression dates back to the Romans. Later, musical styles were adapted, with a long journey in which musical genres and new elements were added until it became the musical complexity that is known today.

Music is formed by melody, rhythm and harmony and can be defined as โ€œthe art of combining sounds simultaneously and successively, with order, balance and proportion within timeโ€.

The music and the mind

Music, regardless of melody or intensity, has effects on the brain. She is able to act in areas that generate feelings and emotions, providing changes and stimuli.

In addition to these effects, music also activates regions responsible for memory, bringing certain memories to the surface. The recollection area is activated and an image stream is released, triggering many brain responses.

music and therapy

Music is so beneficial that it can be considered a therapy: music therapy. Because it also has medicinal properties, music helps with emotional control and stability. Sound waves, in particular, act as a natural relaxant and are often used to reduce pain episodes or as an anesthetic or sedative. When used with this principle, music is capable of blocking some painful stimuli.

It is increasingly established that music influences people's mood and health. Due to the close connection between music and emotions, it can be considered that, using this resource properly, it is possible to contribute to the creation of a positive emotional environment also in the classroom, which is ideal for learning.

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But watch out! Doctoranytime warns that music when at very high levels can harm the mind, especially the ears, and can cause rupture of the eardrum and irreversible damage to the auditory system.

That's why it's recommended to look for music that relaxes and stimulates, that can be associated with the workplace and that dissociates it from stress. If music causes stress, the individual is definitely working under pressure without realizing it. Different music platforms can offer playlists to stimulate the mind in a very rewarding way.

This article was written with medical guarantees by the Doctoranytime Scientific Group.

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