Motivation in personal and professional life

    Motivation in personal and professional life

    The “almost perfect” balance between personal and professional life must take into account all our needs. People who clearly know what their needs are and are able to meet or keep them satisfied, feel more motivated.

    Motivation is your thing. It is born within you and remains within you. Therefore, the main concern is not to adopt strategies that motivate people, but mainly to create a professional life environment in which people maintain the motivational tone they had on their first day at work.

    Motivation presupposes a set of reasons that lead individuals to make their choices and choices in life. Everyone must discover their reasons for living, and their reasons for each choice made along the way.

    In personal life, people need to find their reasons for wanting to live well and be happy. In professional life it is not much different. People must find their reasons to dedicate themselves to what they do in order to achieve their results.

    Here it is important to make an observation: To find a balance between personal and professional life, one of the ways is to know yourself, that is, to find within yourself the reasons to continue living and to build your future. What are your reasons for living, staying alive and enjoying life? Is life itself and its essence already a motive?

    Many factors such as everything you want to be, know, do and have can contribute to motivation. They are factors or desires that can motivate us to follow a path.

    A suggestion to this order of factors or desires is that there is nothing you cannot have, and there is nothing wrong with that, but be it, know and do something first. Achievements will be much more valuable.

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    And to end this topic, I leave a sentence for reflection:

    “When work is meaningful, people are always motivated.”

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