moon woman

    I read a text on a social network, I don't remember exactly which one, which said that the woman is the only vehicle capable of bringing the man to life. It made me think a lot for a few days. There was, in the post, the figure of a pregnant woman's belly, a beautiful and big belly, almost a universe.

    The next day, I read a report that told a little about the life of a woman, Margaret Hamilton, a programmer at NASA, leader of the laboratory team responsible for the codes that took man to the Moon. Hamilton's code may have saved the entire Apollo mission. To do this, in 1960, all handwritten and with several bindings, was not an easy task.

    Reading this story, I couldn't help but relate the pregnant woman, bringing the man to life, to Margaret who, in a way, was responsible for the success of taking him to the moon.

    moon woman

    The woman is a sacred secret. Within it grows the seed of life from which we are all born. The woman is a luminous vehicle, like a rocket that travels among the stars, voids and silences, she also transports souls that will present themselves to life after an internship within a warm, welcoming, loving universe...

    A woman should never be mistreated by anyone, because you cannot mistreat a fortress that, paradoxically, is rich in subtle sensitivity.

    A woman should be worshiped like the Moon, as she also has such intimate and complicated phases.

    A woman is the bearer of the key that opens the doors of life, that generates bodies, lends her blood and her cells and is capable of being stronger than steel for love.

    Every woman deserves respectful silence to recharge her energies, always so requested… Rock that flies: that's a woman!

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