the lens of love

    For a long time, I thought that love alone wasn't enough. Especially in relationships. “Love alone is not enough. It takes partnership, respect, understanding…” Okay. What I didn't understand until then is that all other things would only exist if there was love. 

    When we look at another person or any situation with love, we can bring out the best in them. We can understand that there is duality in all of us. There is good and evil, positive and negative, yin and yang. Nothing is really perfect. Just as we have qualities, we also have flaws and we need to deal with that. 

    Be it people or situations. And the choice is ours to want to look and face life with the lens of love and extract the best. Or we look through the lens of the ego: judging and criticizing at all times, always being negative, and without realizing it, self-sabotaging and putting us down. With the lens of the ego, we are blind and cannot see a hand in front of us.

    And the most amazing thing is that all the answers we need are within ourselves. We are our best oracle. 

    I learned through the lens of love to have compassion. I learned to respect people in their imperfect and perfect individuality. And everything is a process that like any other requires discipline and dedication. We are almost always caught off guard by the lens of the ego. Today I realize that love is, yes, enough and that with it come all the other wonderful feelings: respect, trust, empathy, understanding, affection, gratitude...the lens of love

    Love is beyond the feeling, the way you relate to the other. That's when we can see ourselves in the next. That's when we forgive. It is when we let go (yes, letting go is part of the process). It's when we respect and understand, without necessarily accepting. There are so many things…

    So many made possible by the lens of love. Because everything is love. And he is enough.

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