Mom turns her 2-year-old daughter's drawings into works of art!

A child begins to scribble some lines on a paper and what you see is a series of sinuous, meaningless lines that lead nowhere and do not produce an image that is capable of being recognized as some object or being that we know in the limits. of our vision. Winding scribbles, using all the space allowed by a sheet of paper, with two hands and two pens. Uncompromising traits that absolutely reflect nothing more than a 2- or 3-year-old's lack of coordination, right? Of course!

This was the beginning of a video among the many that circulate in the digital world. A psychologist or psychopedagogue could very well be able to read these traits subjectively, finding meanings for the graphic representation. Perhaps they will find conflicts, doubts, fears, joy, light, happiness, peace, who knows? Thus, the professional could accompany this child and help him with his conflicts, valuing what is positive about them. But not everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of professional support.  

The truth is that all people who deal with children need to consider that our vision does not always reach as far as it should. We are not always willing or ready to see with the eyes of the soul, those eyes that manage to find a positive meaning in everything that is presented before us. But well, back to the scene.

At the end of the child's graphic construction, we have a paper, full of lines that can barely be defined. All in black on the white sheet. Then comes the mother who, with her inner gaze, builds a magical world on those uncertain lines, of colorful, defined, clear images, as if this scene had been there all along, kept, hidden only to be seen by attentive eyes. , those of the heart. And out of nowhere, leafy trees, barges, a river with clear and crystalline waters, a mountain valley full of green, a blue sky with lots of light, a sunset bathed by the sun, happy and full of peace! Finally, two human figures emerge, mother and daughter? Perhaps! Contemplating everything that could be nothing, but which has become a wonderful image of nature, of integration and reception.

Mom turns her 2-year-old daughter's drawings into works of art!Acceptance, yes, of the limits of the other, of what he can offer us and of our commitment to understand this limit and transform it into something constructive, free from criticism and censorship. Have we not or are we still doing this with our children more often than we think? How many times do we boycott the production that comes from the imagination of children judging with our limits, those with which we don't want to be judged? Is it not that we need to observe more and judge less?

If that mother had just picked up that sheet with uncertain features and said: – How beautiful my daughter! Mom will keep it with all affection! Or worse than that, if I had simply discarded the drawing right after the child had finished, what could we have taught this child about dream and reality, about construction and deconstruction, about respect and appreciation of the other's view of things, about creativity? and boundary expansion? Thinking outside the box, this was the great insight of this mother who was predisposed to see beyond, to include and welcome her daughter's work, showing her that everything can be transformed for the better.

Mom turns her 2-year-old daughter's drawings into works of art!Have you ever heard of a case of a 3 to 4 year old child who was judged by her own teacher because she painted a cow green instead of brown? She was harshly criticized in front of her friends. What do you mean, cow is not green? Is it brown, white, piebald, but green? Well, that was the limit of perception of a child who took many years to discover that he was colorblind. The issue itself is not the problem of color blindness, but the lack of sensitivity in respecting and welcoming what is different, what is outside the “standard”.

This mother teaches a class on how to encourage a child to exercise their creativity, to respect their own perspective and the other's point of view, which we are complementary and can create together. She taught to understand that everything has a meaning, even what looks like just doodles thrown on a sheet!

Here's the tip! Who knows, maybe there's a child near you, ready to learn in the most unusual way what love, alterity, understanding and embracement for the other are! Enjoy and give her a sheet and a pen and complete the job with her! Give it a chance and give yourself a chance. Then show us!

• Text created by Silvia Jara from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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