Modern chalk

O chalk needed to reverse fractures and bruises. They exist several types of plaster, the brachio-palmar, for example, it is indicated for wrist, forearm, elbow and arm injuries and its use also fits in cases where the patient is undergoing surgery.

Cast immobilization can last for weeks and even months. Anyone who has ever needed to immobilize a leg or arm knows how uncomfortable it is, especially in the heat, because it itches, burns a lot and in some cases even forms small wounds. But, this problem may be out of date, thanks to a project announced a year ago in New Zealand that we discovered and told you all about.

3D modern plaster

O Cortex is a leak-proof cover that promises to eliminate the need for plaster the arm and still allows the person to keep the limb straight. That modern plaster is a project by student Jake Evill, from Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). In addition to leaving the arm ventilated, the Cortex It is lightweight, washable and recyclable. The modern structure is modeled in a 3D printer, having the patient's X-ray as a basis. The project is in the testing phase and there is no forecast when it will reach the market.

Modern chalk

Another project along the same lines is the Osteoid created by Turkish student Deniz Karasahin. The 2014 A'Design Award-winning initiative, which rewards 3D printing projects, took four months to get off the ground.

This other idea of 3D plaster also promises to dispense with plaster immobilization. It is custom-made, water resistant, has an ultrasound device and even speeds up broken bone recovery by 38% in cases of minor injuries and by 80% in severe injuries, with just 20 minutes of daily use.

Modern chalk

O Osteoid it is easy to handle. Deniz Karasahin explains that after 20 minutes of use, lights flicker and change color.

Hopefully these ideas hit the market soon, don't you? In the meantime, click here and read more about fractures.

Images: Reproduction

Written by Sumaia Santana of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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