Parallel lives, simultaneous lives and multiple lives in the same incarnation


    Allan Kardec brought us the Light of life through Codification of Spiritism, also announced by Great Master Christ Planetary, the COMFORTER. In other words, the Spiritist Doctrine clarified the dark night of the soul. She provided the opportunity for the AWAKENING of consciousness, to the point that today, she just doesn't understand that we are immortal spirits living a human experience who really doesn't want to.

    If Kardec was the great milestone in this process, we must also admit that we are now experiencing the next step in this evolutionary process. And in this stage, an infinite number of GALACTIC BEINGS, our brothers from other Orbs, work on all fronts in what is related to Planet Earth.

    The Universe, through its own Laws and Norms, strictly follows the pre-established determinations in relation to the harmony of the different worlds, whether Planets, Stars or Galaxies. As a primary school, Earth should also, in her time, ascend to more blissful worlds. This time, also called Planetary Transition, has arrived!

    As we understand through the channels of these Spiritual Helpers, this Transition takes place more or less in three centuries. Dates are always random, not exact. However, they are very close to linear time as we know it. Therefore, we can understand that we are at the end of the third century, that is, very close to the Great Event.

    Parallel lives, simultaneous lives and multiple lives in the same incarnation

    Between 1750 and 1850, in the first century, an expressive number of Spirits endowed with a specific mediumistic channel incarnated on Earth. Hundreds of them, or even thousands, were requested by Kardec to verify information about the spiritual world, before being codified and placed in his books.

    Considering that Medium means mediator, the mediumistic channel has always been the way of communication between the incarnate and the disincarnate. Without this communication, man would never be able to evolve within this process between the different Dimensions of universal reality.

    In the second century, that is, between 1850 and 1950, through Kardec's work, this unconscious knowledge of man came to the fore for an increasing number of human beings. Spiritist centers, magazines, mediums endowed with the channel of psychography emerged and, thus, many books were dictated and edited, so that more and more people would become aware of the truth.

    Humans began to understand that life does not end with disincarnation, that there are extraphysical dimensions where the Spirit passes after freeing itself from the physical body, so that it can recapitulate its consciousness learning and program a new incarnation, always with the intention to evolve. It is the Terrana School serving as a temporary home while we learn between one incursion and another, until we are approved and exempt from such returns.

    It was also in this second century that humanity began to put its learning into practice in a more incisive way. Opportunities arose strongly and quickly. It was in this period that the two World Wars took place, the great inventions and the means of communication and transport. Science has taken a big step, all in terms of the Reincarnation of Spirits prepared and instructed for such, always obeying a Greater Command, which organizes and determines everything.

    I must remind you that the dates are approximate. Then, from 1950 onwards, we entered the third and final century of this period called PLANETARY TRANSITION. For tens, or perhaps hundreds of thousands of years, the Spirit in human form wandered between the Third and Fourth Dimensions, incarnating and disincarnating. And whenever the Spirit achieves approval in this school, he passes to a Higher Dimension, his return to this elementary school being no longer necessary, except on mission.

    As there are “students” still far behind, this School, which needs to close its primary education activity, prepares itself within this last century, in order to provide the last opportunities for those laggards who still need to regularize their “lessons”.

    From the understanding that the Helpers of Light give us, from 1950 onwards, millions of spirits hardened by their bad actions during their physical permanence had a last opportunity to recapitulate.

    Even in a compulsory reincarnation, that is, without programming, they came strategically placed in devoted, numerous families, where the family environment could provide them with evolutionary conditions. While most have failed again, it is certain that some have prospered.

    Also from 1950 began the planetary cleaning. Spirits who disincarnate from this date onwards and who are no longer able to redeem themselves within this final period no longer reincarnate here. In Spirit, they are directed to magnetically surrounded “colonies”, and there they wait for the opportunity to embody again in another primary school, which will not be in the New Earth Dimension, as their vibration does not allow it.

    Also in the Inferior Astral, that is, in the Fourth Dimension, where billions of Spirits were suffering or preparing for a new reincarnation, the cleansing is almost over. Many hardened spirits have already been taken away. Sufferers or those who were still stuck in low vibrations, however, in a position to pass this school, had and are still having opportunities. Mediums and those who work in the indoctrination of Spirits understand this subject. Every day, their manifestations decrease, as there are already a smaller and smaller number.

    Such Spirits who still need to redeem past debts, even incarnating in a crystalline base body, will have every opportunity, with plenty of them even. This explains why there are still Crystal Children going through illnesses, defects, pain and suffering. It is your own project that guarantees you to clean “all the drawers” ​​as the Amparo Guides say. It is the condition that will provide you with the definitive ascension to the Fifth Dimension.

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