Metamorphosis: how it works in us

You've certainly heard of metamorphosis! Especially when it comes to nature, this word has many processes. Insects, molluscs and amphibians are great examples of this word, which means nothing more and nothing less than modification.

In nature, many animals undergo metamorphosis, which is the change in their shape and body structure. That is, when a caterpillar incubates in a cocoon and turns into a butterfly, its shape is modified, as are its organs and tissues.

This is due to two types of birth that take place in the natural world: direct birth and indirect birth. In the direct, the animal is born with a structure similar to that of the adults of its species, while in the indirect, the animals are born different, requiring metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis: how it works in us

Some animals still undergo metamorphosis in different ways and it is often associated with habitat changes. The dragonfly, for example, lives its initial life in the water and when it becomes an adult it begins to fly. Frogs also have their initial phase in water, like tadpoles; after reaching the adult stage they become terrestrial.

Well, metamorphosis is clear in nature. If we are part of it, how does it happen in our life? Let's talk more about it!

Metamorphosis: how it works in us

Evolution is our metamorphosis

Human metamorphosis is nothing more than the changes we see in our lives that are necessary for us. When we are born, we are small babies and over time our structure does not change, but grows. We can consider this a bodily metamorphosis. However, transformations continue to happen after adulthood, but within us.

Our choices are the biggest determinants in this process. When we are children, we hardly care about our attitudes. In adolescence, then, it is not even talked about. Everything starts to change intensely when we reach the young stage of our life, when we need to make a lot of decisions.

Furthermore, many of these choices will directly transform us. After all, it is impossible to make a choice and not identify positive and negative points, and they will dictate the personal metamorphosis of each one.

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Human evolution asks us to become better people every day. We don't want to say that we were born bad people, but that we need to learn to be better. The society in which we live and the culture in which we are inserted are great influencers of our evolution.

Let's admit that there is a lot to be changed in society in general, but this social metamorphosis can only happen when we go through our personal metamorphosis. So worry first about your personal evolution, then social evolution will only be a consequence.

Metamorphosis: how it works in us

How does metamorphosis actually happen?

Wanting things to happen simply and easily is the greatest desire of the human being. In order for there to be positive situations, however, it is necessary that we go through the negative situations. Remember the choices? They are the ones who will bring the positive and negative situations to life. Believe me: both are necessary for our metamorphosis.

Transformation happens on the outside after it happens on the inside. Many times it is necessary for everything to go bad so that it can later turn into something better. Because of this, it is normal for you to have moments of suffering to make certain choices.

On the other hand, after making the choices (which need to be good for you) you will be able to perceive the metamorphosis, the transformation. Of course, after this period, you will be able to notice how they contributed to your evolution.

Metamorphosis: how it works in us

Experience the pain of metamorphosis

You came to this world to have your metamorphosis and to evolve. And evolution will often cause emotional and physical pain, but don't carry it like a weight. We invite you to analyze everything that needs modification in your life today. Keep your heart open and respect what your soul asks of you.

If she asks for a change of job, relationship, approaching or moving away from some people, do it. It can hurt, yes, but at the end of the tunnel you will always find a light, and that is the purest and truest of lights, thanks to the process of metamorphosis.

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