Menstrual Collector: unlocking this new method

    Women have more and more options and decision-making power on the most diverse subjects. The clothes they will wear, the people they will interact with, the lifestyle they will adopt, having or not having children, straightening their hair or taking on curls, having the profession they want... feminine, before so repressed and restrained by the sexist society. Riding a ride on this wave of evolutions, an invention, approximately from the year 1930 – and which is already a great success in Europe, began to fall into the favor of Spanish women: the menstrual cup. An option also when dealing with your period.

    Until recently, we could only choose between tampons and tampons, until menstrual cups received their due attention. It is a small silicone cup that is inserted into the vaginal canal and collects the blood of your period. It is washable, reusable, helps the environment and also your financial life. However, despite seeming magical at first glance, the menstrual cup still causes strangeness and reluctance from many women, mainly because it raises several doubts about its use.

    Below, we separate some tips that can help to solve all the questions about this new way of dealing with your menstrual period and also show you some pros and cons of the collector. Check out:


    Menstrual Collector: unlocking this new method

    The menstrual cup really requires a woman to be more intimate with her own vagina. As we still live in a world where touching can be a matter of taboo and shame for many, this is still one of the biggest reasons for the reluctance to try the collector. To introduce it, for example, it is necessary to find out by touch the height of your cervix, as 2 to 4 cup sizes are usually sold, depending on the manufacturer, and to buy you must take into account the size. of your vaginal entrance and the volume of your menstrual cycle.


    At first, the investment in a menstrual cup may seem high (it costs R$ 80 to R$ 150), but if you take into account that it lasts an average of 5 years and is reusable, this value is very low compared to the amount of tampons you use every month.


    The environment is one of the most grateful for women's adherence to the menstrual cup. The material from which the cup is made is non-toxic and takes about 50 years to completely degrade in the environment, against the approximately 450 years it takes for each pad you use.


    You must empty your cup every time it fills, which varies from woman to woman, but it must be emptied every 12 hours. Reports say that it is hardly necessary to empty in an interval less than 8 hours, because in fact we menstruate in a much smaller amount than we imagine. Each time it is emptied it is necessary to wash it in running water and reinsert it. At the end of the monthly cycle, sterilize in an agate pan or in a glass that does not release any type of metal and store it in a safe place for the next month. The collector does not harm the pee or the most unusual movements.


    Before making any decision, I suggest that you talk to your gynecologist so that you receive targeted guidance on the subject. At first, collectors do not present any type of contraindication or side effect, but medical help is never too much, is it?

    Experiences and more questions

    To learn a little more about the menstrual cups available, I suggest the Coletores España – Menstrual Cups group, which has more than 75 members on Facebook.


    To help you even more in the decision to at least try the menstrual cup, we've separated some videos from famous bloggers and cup companies that can encourage you:

    Go with a Cup, by Jout Jout:

    Panties Talk, by Juliana Goes:

    How to use the menstrual cup, by Inciclo:

    Flávia Alessandra shows the Fleurity collector:

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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