life's difficulties

    “Some trust in chariots, others in horses, but we, only in the Name of the Eternal our God. Those fall and succumb, but we rise and refresh.” Psalm 20:8-9

    Life is full of obstacles. Who hasn't gone through ups and downs, through moments of joy or frustration?

    As we walk in search of our dreams and the realization of our objectives and goals, we are faced with difficult moments and situations, so we feel cornered and unmotivated. Life is not just the celebration of triumph, but it can be told about overcoming difficult times.

    Falls are natural, for we are human and fallible. Victory, however, only appears when we get up and continue in the process of overcoming, through continuous effort. It can be said that difficulties are part of a learning process that strengthens us and gives us the confidence to overcome new challenges.

    We should never be sad for suffering losses or setbacks, because it is precisely these moments and situations that make us stronger and more prepared for the complex circumstances of life. Obviously, at the moment when we experience a bad situation, we can feel downcast, but we must keep in mind that everything we go through is part of the Creator's perfect projects. Therefore, adversity cannot be confused with defeat, but must be understood as a teaching.

    life's difficulties
    Seth Doyle / Unsplash

    When we trust in God, we are sure that everything is for the good, even if apparently, in a superficial way, we can understand the opposite. The rational mind, most of the time, wants concrete and short-term answers, wants a logical plan of immediate results. But the plans established by the Creator can be long term, to be fixed for all eternity.

    From now on, see everything as part of a bigger plan, one that is inserted in universal fullness and peace. Thus, we must be sure that eventual falls and apparent defeats are just small pieces of a bigger story of success and victory.

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    Life is a constant learning process for our spiritual elevation, to reach the understanding that we are all sisters and that, after all, the scars resulting from our falls serve to show our effort to move forward, always becoming better people, better prepared and stronger than before.

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