Meditation to enter the Book of Life (Akashic Records)

Meditation to enter the Book of Life (Akashic Records)

O Book of Life or Akashic Records it is where all the shaped experiences of our existence are recorded. It is a body of knowledge stored mystically in the ether, which encompasses everything that occurs, has occurred and will occur in the Universe, where all the destiny and mission of life and all origin of the universe have been written.

We can access the Book of Life or the Akashic Records through intuition and meditation. A reading of the Akashic record can be extremely valuable as it offers specific information that comes directly from our soul journey and we gain knowledge from experiences our soul has had in past lives.

To open our records and read the book of Life, it is necessary to have the help of someone who has experience in this technique, which can include the use of meditation, breathing techniques and a sacred prayer with the intention of opening the vault of life. that connects us to the origin of our soul.

Reading the records can also be understood as one of the ways of reading the soul.

In this meditation, you will be accompanied by your Masters, Guides and Beloved Ones throughout this journey. We will use the Sacred Prayer (Pathway Prayer Process), which consists of a Opening Prayer and a Closing Prayer, acting as a bridge that leads us to the heart of the Book of Life.

Reading the records can also be understood as one of the ways to carry out the reading of the soul, since it opens the possibility of accessing the vibrational information of each soul, as well as its journey, in addition to receiving messages that the Beings of Light have to convey at a given time in life. Such messages relate to the past, present and future possibilities, not obeying the known temporal linearity.

It is not about predictions, but about helping to remember, feel and connect with the essence of our souls, uplifting, dignifying and providing an atmosphere of deep love, clarity and encouragement to fulfill your life mission here and now

The Akashic Records the Soul Library

The Akashic records ("akasha" is a Sanskrit word that means "sky", "space" or "ether"), according to Hinduism and various mystical currents, are a body of knowledge stored mystically in the ether that encompasses everything that occurs. , occurred and will occur in the Universe.

  • Akashic Records: Informational Therapy
  • Akashic records as a tool for self-knowledge
  • Recognize the Role of Intuition in the Akashic Records
  • Delve into the power of the sacred lineage of our existences
  • Be able to see that the solution to everything is around you

Akasha is a library of actions, thoughts and emotions of every soul that had a place on planet Earth and other planetary systems. All events, large or small, are permanently etched in the electromagnetic grid of the planet and the cosmos. The Akashic Records are available to everyone. Some of the answers will not be to your liking. However, they will contain the energy of the โ€œtruthโ€ of who you really are and what your supposed learnings are. When your guides feel that you are ready to proceed on your own, you will be allowed to access your records whenever you have a โ€œneed to knowโ€ other information. This is usually done without trance channeling and when you are fully aware, awake and alert.

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