Vaporization of the uterus. Technique that treats physical and emotional problems

A great millenary tradition, the vaporization of the uterus is a technique and an energetic ritual that consists of exposing the vagina to a steam of hot water, specifically boiled with herbs with medicinal properties, for the treatment of discomforts that affect the vulva region, uterus, vagina and even other problems, whether physical or emotional.

This technique works from the physiological benefits of humidity, heat and, above all, from all the medicinal properties that each herb has. Vaporization of the uterus is also called uterine cleansing, because when it comes into contact with the vaginal canal and uterus, the vapor, in its gaseous state, turns into liquid, which is then expelled and automatically cleans the region. . It is worth mentioning that, in addition to physiological cleansing, this technique also promotes an energetic cleansing in the woman's body.

The heat emitted by this practice of vaporization provides a process of dilation of the local blood vessels, which increases the absorption of the site and hydrates the region of the woman's uterus and vagina. This technique has a physiological effect, so you simply need to make the steam rise to the vagina for you to feel the full effects. The vaginal mucosa is extremely sensitive and thin, so it more easily absorbs the medicinal properties of herbs that enter the bloodstream, acting on the whole body.

Vaporization of the uterus. Technique that treats physical and emotional problems
Copyright : primagefactory

What is steaming the uterus for?

This technique, also considered a ritual, serves to cleanse both the physical side and the energetic side of the woman's intimate region, as well as her belly. In physical matters, vaporization serves to increase fertility, improve vaginal lubrication, relieve local pain, among others. In the energy field, the technique serves to clear the negative memories that were present in the uterus; when a woman experiences sexual trauma or miscarriage, for example, vaporizing the uterus cleanses the sex chakra and renews the female womb.

When to use this technique?

On the physiological side, some gynecologists recommend the practice of steaming the uterus once a week to maintain vaginal health and avoid possible discomfort, but for this it is necessary to use herbs with specific medicinal properties. If you are thinking about doing this type of vaporization, talk to your gynecologist and find the best way to practice this alternative medicine for specific purposes. On the spiritual side, it is also indicated to do it with a certain frequency, because in the female womb there is a great emotional heritage that carries memories that need healing.

Vaporization of the uterus. Technique that treats physical and emotional problems
Copyright: Yury Stroykin

What are its benefits?

Among the numerous benefits that vaporization of the uterus brings to women, we list some of them here:

– Decreases swelling, pain and discomfort caused by menstruation, sexual intercourse, childbirth or even gynecological surgeries;
– Reduces vaginal dryness, nourishing the tissue in the region and promoting an improvement in vaginal lubrication;
– Alleviates the most common symptoms of menopause;
– Brings numerous benefits to the reproductive system, increasing fertility;
- Hidrata to mucosa;
– Increases the vibration and vitality of the body;
– Softens the tissues of the uterus and vagina;
– Increases women's creativity;
– Helps in the treatment of ovarian cysts, myoma, endometriosis and various problems in the region;
– Detoxifies the vagina and uterus;
– The steam acts as a relaxant for the pelvic muscles after sexual intercourse, eliminating discomfort, tension or pain;
– Clears memories that generate discomfort in the woman;
– Reconnects the woman with her own essence;
– Makes the blood more fluid and clear;
- Assists in the healing of surgery;
– Acts as a local tranquilizer.

Vaporization of the uterus. Technique that treats physical and emotional problems
Copyright : nd3000

Can all women do? Are there any contraindications?

Vaporization of the uterus cannot be done during menstruation or any other type of bleeding, during vaginal infections or when there are open sores, during pregnancy or when there is any specific change in the body that does not indicate any contact with vapor. or heat. If you don't meet any of these conditions mentioned, you can vape! But we emphasize once again that this technique does not replace a gynecologist, ok? You should always keep a medical follow-up to keep your health up to date.

Now here is a tip on how to steam the uterus:

First, you need to choose herbs that are right for you. Toss them in an empty bucket and then pour a pot of boiling water over the top. Place the bucket between your legs; For this, you need to be undressed from the waist down. Cover your body with a blanket or towel to concentrate all the steam that comes out of the bucket. If you can, try to adapt the bucket as a β€œseat” and sit on it, so the steam will reach your vulva more easily. If you can't, just stand up.

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It is important that as the steam enters your body, you get in touch with your sacred feminine and renew your emotional strength. Awaken your feminine right now and find healing for your womb!

Note: It is recommended that you use a maximum of five different herbs in each vape. If you use more than five, the treatment becomes ineffective.

Vaporization of the uterus. Technique that treats physical and emotional problems
Via 123RF

Commonly recommended herbs:

Lavender: relaxing herb that soothes the body and mind. It nourishes the nervous system and has an antiseptic action on vaginal tissues. It also helps in uterine function, as it is antispasmodic;
Rosemary: promotes increased circulation of Organs reproductive organs, in addition to being purifying;
Calendula: Induces the cleaning and perspiration of the tissues of the vagina. It has healing power for wounds, aiding in the healing of lip tissues;
Rose petals: are astringent for vaginal tissues and also have relaxing power;
Artemisia: acts as a stimulant for menstruation and connection with the feminine.

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