Martial arts and their benefits for the mind

Once associated with aggression and combat, today martial arts have gained new meanings, more adepts and their benefits are much better known. More than a physical activity, they also bring many benefits to our mental health and to our journey of self-knowledge.

But what are the benefits brought by these practices? We prepared this article to explain and explore the positive points of martial arts for mental health, but first you need to understand what they are. Check out!

What are martial arts?

Martial arts are practices that stimulate the body and mind through techniques that enable the practitioner to physically defend themselves, defeat an opponent and enjoy the set of traditions, customs and benefits that the practice offers, such as harmony between body and mind, discipline , between others.

Martial arts are so known in the West because the name comes from Mars, the god of war in Latin mythology. In the East, they are known as "Wushu", which means "art of war".

Martial arts and their benefits for the mind
Jyliana / Canva

Initially, millennia ago, martial arts were mostly used as combat techniques between peoples, but as technology advanced and melee weapons and firearms, among other tools, became available, martial arts fell into disuse as combat form.

But that's when its popularization began not as an apprenticeship to fight around, but as a philosophy of life to exercise the body and mind, taking advantage of all the benefits that these techniques can teach us.

What is the difference between martial art and fighting?

All martial arts include fighting, but not every fight is a martial art. This happens because the martial arts are more than the bodily movements that characterize a fight, because they include life philosophies, concepts of discipline and hierarchy, traditions, and skill sets that go beyond combat.

While a martial art can be learned with the aim of learning to fight, defending oneself or even practicing a fight professionally, not everyone seeks to learn a martial art with the aim of learning to fight. Often, the person is looking for the many benefits for the body and mind that it offers.

Health benefits of martial arts

In addition to teaching a self-defense technique and reinforcing characteristics such as discipline and respect, martial arts can bring many benefits to our health. See some of them:

Reduces stress

Martial arts and their benefits for the mind
fizkes de Getty Images Pro / Canva

Due to the great intensity of the movements and exercises, the practice of martial arts releases a high charge of energy, which helps to release the hormones that relieve stress, such as serotonin, thus decreasing the feeling of irritation and stress from day to day. day.

improves self-esteem

Is there anything better for self-esteem than being up to date with our body and mind? As martial arts are good physical and mental exercises, they act strongly in improving our self-esteem, making us more satisfied with our body and feeling more harmonious, which is good for the mind.

Creates more discipline and concentration

Martial arts rely on well-executed moves. To learn to execute the movements well, it takes discipline to train and persist until they are working well, as well as concentration so that everything is executed perfectly, that's why they stimulate these two characteristics in our lives and in our personality.

Helps with anxiety and depression

The charge of adrenaline and energy invested in the practice of a martial art helps to let bad emotions slip away. Not only that! Like any physical activity, The practice of the martial art releases endorphin, a hormone responsible for our feeling of pleasure, which helps to fight problems such as anxiety and depression.

Improves self-confidence and self-awareness

As we evolve in the practice of a martial art, we begin to execute the movements with perfection and mastery, which stimulates and makes our self-confidence grow. Furthermore, makes us more aware of our body and the limits of our mind, so they help a lot in our process of self-knowledge.

Improves self-control and focus

Martial arts and their benefits for the mind
Min An from Pexels / Canva

Focus is essential for any martial art, because it is what separates good practitioners from average practitioners, as being focused on the moment and on each movement is essential to execute them accurately, in addition to having the patience to learn and to wait. the right moment to perform the blows is also necessary, which stimulates our self-control.

Creates a mental sense of self-defense

When we are more aware of our body and know that we will be able to defend ourselves in the event of an attack, it makes us more comfortable and better prepared to deal with any eventuality in which we need to defend ourselves. With the martial art, you not only learn to defend yourself, but you also feel safer.

What are the best martial arts for the mind?

Martial arts and their benefits for the mind
Artem Podrez de Pexels / Canva

Each martial art has its own characteristics, its movements, its particularities and its technique. Some martial arts are better for people who are looking to stimulate their body, yes, but who also want to exercise their mind a lot. We separate some of them, check them out:

  • Tai Chi Chuan: the focus of this martial art is not on fast and aggressive movements, but on slow and well-calculated movements, so it is known for combining physical exercise and meditation, so it is a great choice for those who want to relax the body and mind;
  • Karate: this martial art is the most recommended for those who want to develop patience and stimulate their spirituality, because this Japanese practice is not limited to physical activity, based on a philosophy of calm, patience and intelligence;
  • Jiu Jitsu: every move of this martial art is very calculated. Known as the human chess game, jiu jitsu greatly stimulates intelligence and logical reasoning, because during practice it is necessary to think carefully about each move and their consequences;
  • Judo: instead of aggressive attacks, judo is characterized by precise attacks, with the intention of taking down the opponent, so it is a great option for those who want to train focus and patience, because this practice requires a lot of concentration to choose the right moment to attack. or to defend oneself;

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It is undeniable that martial arts are good for our physical health, but it is important to take into account how good they are for us psychologically as well. Now that you know their main benefits for the mind and body, how about choosing one and starting to practice?

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