Which chakras are activated when there is love and passion?

Can you define the boundaries between passion and love?

In the relationship between two people, they are confused, but there is a big difference between one and the other.
Being attracted to someone is the beginning of everything. You look at that person and something catches your eye, a desire that comes and an emotion that makes your heart beat faster. It's as if everything around you stops and you turn completely to that being.

The seduction game begins and when it is matched, a world of expectations opens up. This is the beginning of passion. Energetically speaking, the bonds of passion develop in the three lower chakras:

Muladhara Chakra (base of spine)

In the first contacts with the partner, smell is the sense that brings them closer. The perfume that the skin exhales and that awakens sexuality, animalized senses, telluric forces.

Chakra Swadhisthana (Baixo Ventre)

Sexual energy, seduction, deep union, libido and sensations of pain and pleasure.

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Manipura chakra (gastric)

The region of emotions, desires, the ego that feeds passions, personal power, wanting and possessing for oneself.

It's great to feel in love! Life takes on new colors, mood improves, the body looks healthierโ€ฆ Passion is a force that grounds us and we feel alive!

Who has never lived a passion?

However, it can put us in traps and suffering. Passion is experienced in the sphere of the ego and driven by desires for possession, strong emotions and activated by our more โ€œanimalโ€ side.

Reason fades into the background and we dream of an ideal partner. Of course, expectations, with the passage of time, are frustrated and no passion survives on its own. Therefore, for the relationship to grow and continue to be healthy, the initial excitement has to be amplified, little by little, by the bonds of love.

The conscious participation of the middle and higher heart chakras begins to act in the relationship.

When the passion ends and there are no signs of love or other common interest, the relationship comes to an end naturally, like a fire that goes out on one side or both parties.

In relationships where there is a karmatic commitment, there will always be a spark that will continue to heat and continue the bond, through the commitments made in other lives.

In the involvement of the middle and higher chakras, other aspects begin to influence and move the relationship. Conflicts arise from the limitations that each one carries in their spirit and that are brought to the surface as the coexistence becomes more intimate. It is a mutual learning that aims to bring about unconditional love.

Anahata chakra (heart center)

Unconditional love emanates from this chakra. In him dwells the compassionate feeling. It is the spiritual essence that pulsates. Uniting the emotions of the lower chakras to reason and spirituality, it is the transformer of imbalances and the appeaser of relationships.

Through Anahata healing manifests and eternal bonds of love are created.

In the higher chakras, consciousness acts according to its mental pattern and spiritual condition, which will define the capacity for understanding and respect that the spirit brings to the partner.

The quality of recognizing responsibility for your feelings; to abstain from judgments, prejudices and limiting beliefs. The acceptance of the other.

Chakra Vishudha (centro laryngo)

Communication and expression in our relationships. It concentrates emotions and reason. Beliefs, values โ€‹โ€‹that the spirit carries as โ€œtruthโ€ and that are manifested in this chakra, influencing the game of passion and love.

Which chakras are activated when there is love and passion?
Pixabay/Gerd Altmann

Ajna Chakra (between the eyebrows, front center)

Seat of the higher mental forces, of the expanded consciousness that manifests in the heart. In this chakra, the spirit brings the ability to get out of the mental and emotional conditioning that hinder the relationship.

Sahashara Chakra (top of head)

Spiritual connection with the Divine that nourishes the loving heart, for compassion and reconnection with the Whole.

Lower and higher chakra imbalances impede the flow of unconditional love. Passion desires, is possessive and jealous. It flows in selfishness and needs the support of waking consciousness so that it does not result in tragedy, violence, pain and suffering. Reason must accompany the unfolding of a passion, directing it to the heart.

Consciousness, unconditional love and passion when in tune reveal couples united by the fullness of body and spirit. This is the tripod that maintain a relationship between a couple. With conscience, dose love with the spice of passion. This is the learning we all experience. Living between the desires of passion, the judgments of the mind and the unconditional love that springs to heal.

We bring from past lives, the dramas that unbridled passion and nurtured in selfishness resulted. We see in the world, the consequences of the lack of love. Passions that hurt and destroy relationships. In each incarnation we have the opportunity to undo the bonds of hate that were left of the passions, replacing them with the bonds of love.

Which chakras are activated when there is love and passion?
123rf / Monika Wisniewska

Passion energetically links us to the other, through fluid cords in the lower chakras. Unconditional love unites us at the Anahata chakra. Nothing against passion, because it vitalizes us. Passion for life, for the profession, for people. But if selfishness takes the reins, through very tenuous limits, passion becomes a disease. How many cases do we see of passionate violence? How many hearts torn apart by overwhelming passion?

Passion yes, but with lots of love! In the evolution of conjugal coexistence, the spirits learn the greater objective, for which we are here.

Living the experience of love in the passion of the body.

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