Male and female: complementary aspects

Given what I know about the history of the human species, in relation to the industrial age and the new discoveries of man, in such a decade there was not such a great opportunity for technological and material evolution, which we currently have in even greater proportion, especially when it comes to of technology.

But what I have observed today, as far as the reach of my therapeutic perception and vision goes, shows that there has never been so much opportunity for inner evolution and integrity for man as now. I say man referring to the masculine aspect.

They say that many of us women are masculinized, that we are no longer the weaker sex to be the strong and competitive sex. They even say that we are trying to take the place of men.

I honestly don't know where this information came from and if it has any basis, but what I perceive is that we women appropriate what is one of our greatest gifts and privileges, which is how easy it is to connect with our inner world, to investigate the waters of our emotions and face the floods and floods of feelings that often materialize in our physical body and are experienced in pain in our cramps and menstrual periods.

In a constant denial and competitiveness between masculine and feminine, often the man ends up closing himself off to the wisdom of the woman and the woman ends up feeling insecure in relation to the man. They are complementary energies that become opposites due to lack of trust and, often, humility of recognition.

When a man meets a woman with a strong personality, he finds with her the opportunity to strengthen and evolve in his masculine aspect, at the moment he feels the need to balance himself with her in the same vibration.

Male and female: complementary aspects

It is by perceiving the man's attitudes that the woman, then, ends up awakening the feeling of security internally and, thus, naturally another important aspect of her personality flourishes, which is delicacy. Natural delicacy that in no way diminishes its strength, it can be strong and delicate at the same time.

The more I analyze the issues of intrauterine life and process and birth, I see that this pattern begins there, in the mother/child relationship. And for women too, it begins in the relationship with the father.

One thing no man in this world can deny, no matter how powerful he is, and no matter how much he considers that his mother was not the “perfect mother” as he would like (which is what every child idealizes), is that for him to come to the world, a woman needs - even if unconsciously - to say YES and accept being a physical, mental, spiritual and emotional channel for your life to happen on this plane.

The man also brings with him gifts and privileges that make him have facilities where the woman often finds difficulties.

Both complement each other and as long as there is no trust and recognition of the need that the two feel to evolve together and help each other, there will be conflicts, and these conflicts will be projected wherever there is the masculine aspect and the feminine aspect in question.

This analysis is not intended only for couples, because it is known that in cases of homosexual couples both are manifesting complementary aspects. As I just wrote, it is intended for all that is feminine and masculine energy, whether father and daughter, boss and employee, friend and friend and even within ourselves with our Yin and Yang energy. For example: yang energy brings a seed, an idea, and the feminine aspect - yin - welcomes this seed, internalizes, gestates, feeds and at the right time, manifests, and our yang, power of action, puts it into practice and takes to the world.

May there be harmony between masculine and feminine... And that it begins within us, recognizing that we are dual and having the humility to welcome all our aspects.
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