Wake up the witch in you!

There is a legislative suggestion (legislative idea nr. 123431; legislative suggestion nr. 40/2019) that requests the inclusion of Psychoanalysis and other alternative therapies as something to be practiced only by psychologists.

As a holistic therapist, I consider this a witch hunt: when we start to access our higher strength, someone feels threatened and attacked for trying to make us let go of our ability to connect with nature and spiritual intelligence.

However, we are increasingly aware of this strength and the need to connect with our essence and our own healing power. Especially now when there is a virus that little is known about, trusting our inner wisdom to guide us and to help others can make all the difference between being healthy or not.

If you've strayed away from that knowledge, here's a short list to help you reconnect with it:

1) Allow space for your intuition to surface

Wake up the witch in you!

The connection with the divine (in yourself or external to you) takes place when we allow it to happen.

You can open up to it in many ways – the one I like best is through writing: writing what's on your mind in the morning, writing what you feel when there's something bothering you. But you can also open yourself to this through meditation and silent practices.

2) Silence

Speaking of silence, there is no way to hear the voice of your Higher Self if you are always in the noise. And I'm not just referring to external noises, but internal ones as well.

If you're always looking for the answer outside of yourself, you don't make room to listen to the answer your Higher Self already has. Trust it!

Silence in meditation, on a nature walk (no phone or music), dedicating yourself to art.

3) Pay attention to your dreams

Wake up the witch in you!
Daria Shevtsova / Pexels

Keep a notebook by your bed and write down what you dreamed about. Gradually you will see how the answers start to come and things start to become clearer.

To remember dreams, don't pick up your cell phone first thing in the morning. Stir carefully and write it down. Remember: alcohol consumption decreases the possibility of remembering dreams.

4) Look for the causes

Try to find out the causes of things. In the case of the physical body, this means not just treating the symptoms, as allopathic medicine does. Try to find out what is causing those symptoms, otherwise all you will do is mask the real problem. Search for terms like “somatization” or “psychosomatization.”

As for problems, negative emotions, try to delve into why you are feeling that (what are the beliefs and conditioning behind that feeling), and what is the lesson you need to learn.

5) Ask open-ended questions

Wake up the witch in you!

Don't try to find solutions for everything. In fact, to think that we are capable of this is almost arrogant. Let your wisdom and that of the Universe show you the best way.

Use open-ended questions: “Who can help me?”, “What is the best way to resolve this situation for the good of all?”, “How can I make money in joy, ease, and glory?”, “What is the next step? ?”, “What question do I need to ask for clarity?”.

Open-ended questions are dropped into the air. You wait for the answer to come to you, you don't try to answer it. When we try to respond, we will tap into our limited stock of possibilities. When we release it in the air, we accept any answer from the infinite stock.

Be aware: many of these answers are revealed in dreams, or a friend who contacts you, or a message on the internet.

6) Use the power of intention

For me, the intention is the real “witchcraft”. Putting all your heart's strength into healing yourself or others is what makes healing happen (with all the help possible in the Universe, of course!).

For example, what is an environment cleaning, or a blessing, if not an intention? She, with the help of plants and their elementals, promotes healing (and the faith of those who receive it!).

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But for intention to work, thought and feelings must be aligned. It's no use having in your mind the intention to heal, and having a doubt in your heart: feel as if the healing has already happened. The same goes for the use of affirmations and other techniques.

Speaking of affirmations, remember that every thought, every sentence spoken, is an affirmation. I once read the story of a teenager who, observing a teacher, thought: “when I am 50 years old I want to die”. At age 50 she became severely ill. Fortunately, she was already on the path of self-knowledge and managed, with a lot of presence, to remember that episode, and then put the intention in her healing.

7) Connect with the feminine

Wake up the witch in you!
Lisa Fotios/Pexels

Intuition is a very feminine energy. So activate this area of ​​your life (remembering that we all have masculine and feminine energy in us), through creativity, for example. Feminine energy has to do with nurturing, caring, creativity, welcoming. How can you bring these characteristics into your life?

8) Look for integrative therapies

Holistic or integrative therapies think of the human being as an integral being, that is, an emotional, mental, spiritual body, and they take all this together at the time of healing.

In a materialistic world, having access to something that reminds us that we are more than a physical body is a gift. As we seek this type of therapy, we are opening the channels that connect us with a much greater and more complete wisdom.

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