Make life the best it can be

The other day, someone thought of everything they wished they had said, the smiles they wished they had provided, the trips they should have taken, the plans that could have been taken off paper and come true. How many good things he should have done, said, how many dreams could have been planned and realized that are no longer possible.

Even if we are born knowing that our destiny, on this plane, has an expiration date, no one likes to think about it.

We live our days in a rush, we don't give space to demonstrations of affection, we stop saying what we feel, because we always have the false impression that there will be a tomorrow. For some reason, we delude ourselves with, “Then I say, do or will.” Deep down, we know that we are not going to say how much we admire that friend, to show how much we enjoy the company of our parents, we are not going to say that we miss that love that has gone, because the after is always distant, further and further away to the point of no longer exist. And we know it.

Renato Russo already taught: “You have to love people like there is no tomorrow, because if you stop to think about it, there really isn't”.

So wise.

If we actually stopped to remember how fragile life is, that there are no absolute truths, that the only certainty we have is that we are not sure of anything, it would possibly make us better people. So, certainly, we would think twice before saying something that could hurt the other, denying an invitation to chat with a friend or being rude to those who are always on our side. If we didn't become better human beings, at least we would be less perverse with others.

It is not just the end of this life that presents the epilogue of something - a friendship that is lost for lack of loyalty, a love that is lost for lack of showing affection, a family destroyed by human flaws and vices, among so many other reasons that cause irreparable break-ups.

It's not too late for you to be true, show what you feel, say what your heart says, forgive those who offend, accept the other for being and think different, get rid of the things that hurt you and that harm those you love.

Make life the best it can be

Today is the time, now is the time, the power to change the world is in your hands, don't leave for tomorrow the opportunity to be and make who you love happy.

It is hard and sad to think that tomorrow may not exist, it is worse to experience it in a traumatic and resentful way.

Believe me, as hard as absence is, it's comforting to know that you made your life and other people's life a better place and made a difference in someone's world. There will be no remorse; longing yes, but not regret.

In the end, all that will be left for us will be beneficial nostalgia: the memories of good times, the happiest feelings, the certainty of not having lost the opportunity to be and do things that are truly worthwhile.

After all, deep down, that's all that matters: making life the best it can be.
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