Kabbalah Studies – Week 12 – Vaichi

    Kabbalah Studies – Week 12 – Vaichi

    Genesis 47:28-50:26
    85 verses

    Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years when he became sick. He then called his children and blessed them, dying at the age of 147. He was taken and buried in Hebron, in the land of Canaan, in the field of Machpelah, where Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah and Leah are buried.

    Joseph (Yosef) lived for 110 years, and died in Egypt. This is the last reading of the book of Genesis (Bereshit).

    β€œAnd Jacob lived” (Genesis 47:28)

    Jacob lived through many difficult years. He ran away from his brother Esau, with whom he had a disagreement, went through difficulties with his uncle Laban, who deceived him, and mourned the death of his son Yosef, who later learned to be alive. But it was in Egypt that he lived to the fullest, with his people. For this last period Jacob lived. It was in the world of physicality that Jacob developed his full consciousness.

    How many of us value the life we ​​have, are grateful for the simple fact that we have housing, food and health, without even deserving anything, by the work and grace of the Creator?

    Many live empty and meaningless lives, are dead and are not even aware of it. Others live fully and, even after death, leave a legacy to humanity, an example of a life well lived.

    β€œAm I in the place of God?” (Genesis 50:19)

    Joseph's brothers fear retaliation after the death of their father, Jacob, for the cruelty with which they treated him, selling him as a slave to merchants. But Yosef understands that all this happened according to God's will and treats them well.

    Thus, we must understand that God has a plan for all of us, and we cannot place ourselves as judges of the actions of others. Often, we are not able to see the whole, when pointing out the alleged injustices committed by people.

    Have full confidence in God's plans.
    Have a great week!
    Shavua Tov!

    You may also like another article by this author. Access: Kabbalah Studies – Week 11 – Vayigash

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