Looking at things from above

    A few days ago I caught myself explaining why I made my life choices. I explained why I had taken the animals out of my diet. I explained why I chose to abandon the destructive life of addictions and unhealthy habits. I explained why my life has changed since I started taking care of myself through yoga. I still don't know why I bothered to explain my choices to someone who wouldn't understand. Maybe because of my need to provide that kind of information, I don't know. 

    All I know is that one of the things I said that day echoed in me all week.

    β€œWe are alive, not to experience sensations and pleasures, but to experience love and grow spiritually.”

    Looking at things from above

    And yes, that's what moves me. It is the faith that life on earth will end and that what will really count in the end is love. I went from the motto β€œliving 10 years to 1000 is better than living 10 years to XNUMX” for a long time. intense. exaggerated. All too much. And I thought that was life. 

    Yesterday a dear person from that time died. He died because he lived intensely. He died because he wanted to give himself the pleasure of experiencing sensations in his skin, in his sweat, in his mind. The drugs consumed all of him. And then everyone says β€œat least he lived to the fullest”. Yes true.

    But I kept asking myself: what now? And now that he's just spirit, that there's no more going crazy, no more euphoria, no more skin? Does it feel alive? 

    I won't know until the day it's my time to go too. But by faith, I believe. I want to do everything I can here in this beautiful opportunity to experience God's love. 

    And God's love is not in the intensity of sensations and in the noise of frenzies. The love of God is in silence, in slow movement, in quiet breathing, in measured words, in thoughtful and chosen actions. 

    By habit I still get lost. But I insist, and His love always finds me. Thank God.
    Is that you? What do you intend to do with this interval between birth and death?

    "Be still, and know that I am God." 

    Salmo 46: 10

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