Look who's there: The end of the year!

I have some bombshell news for you: there are less than 70 days left until the end of the year!

As my brother would say, let's get to the facts? (laughs). Analyzing everything that has happened this year, from January 1st until now, what have you actually done to make your life change according to your year-end planning?

How many books have you read? How much did you study and apply yourself to that new project? What courses have you completed? How much time have you dedicated to social actions and volunteering this year? How much happier and more fulfilled is your family life? How many people have you forgiven this year?… Insert more questions that keep on your mind about things you set out to do differently in 2019.

To those who managed to make half of their amazing lists, congratulations! You are part of a small portion of executors.

Look who's there: The end of the year!

As for the procrastinators out there, here's a sincere tip: take advantage of the few days we have left this year to cross out three promises you made to yourself and show that you are capable of changing your situation. If you don't change, no one will do it for you! It's no use putting a nice photo followed by an impact sentence on your social media if at the end of the day you can't really help yourself. Thinking positive is useless if action is null, huh! Oh, oh, oh!

“Be your biggest commitment”

There is nothing more pleasurable than the completion of something that we set out to do. Anyone who is connected to the to do list knows what I'm talking about.

Challenge yourself: take your list that is there in the last drawer of your nightstand and rewrite three items that you consider important to start doing in this lifetime this year, and of course… that are achievable.

Look who's there: The end of the year!

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As you get started, cross it off the list and reward yourself for doing so.

Attention: enrolling in a gym and starting to attend it is super valid. It just couldn't be worth a pot of candy or pizza with beer as a reward, right? (laughs).

Create a routine of doing and getting plausible rewards and you will never stop accumulating so many things in your life, unless you really want to.

I would like to take the opportunity to recommend a book for you to read by the end of the year and start 2020 in full swing: “The Power of Habit”.

Then tell me how it went. ☺

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