Logosophy: discover the philosophy of self-improvement

Logosophy: discover the philosophy of self-improvement

Carlos Bernardo González Pecotche is an Argentine who is also known by the pseudonym Raumsol. He became known after founding logosophy, from his skills as a writer, educator, pedagogist and humanist thinker.

From this philosophical and ethical doctrine, Pecotche aimed to provide conceptual and practical guidelines for people to be able to develop self-improvement through a process of conscious evolution.

Logosophy was founded in 1930, with the creation of the Logosophical Foundation, in Argentina. Two years later, a branch was built in Uruguay, arriving in España in 1935. Since then, people have followed logosophy as a way to learn more about who they are and to make the most of their abilities.

Logosophy principles

Logosophy can be distinguished from other philosophical and thought doctrines because it considers that people are composed of psychic, mental and spiritual aspects. It is as if, based on the doctrine, it was possible to obtain a broad understanding of the human being – in their thoughts, attitudes and beliefs – and of the world.

According to logosophy, people's thoughts are guided by the morals of a person or a society. They act according to what was determined for them, as they are unable to free themselves from the patterns and will of others.

For a person to be able to act and think for himself, in this sense, he would need to free himself from external influences, which suggest how thoughts, feelings and words should be.

The advantage of logosophy is that it is aimed at the individual aspect of each being. This means that everyone's experience with this doctrine will always be different. It is a constant search for evolution and self-understanding, in order to help the world and other people.

The objectives of logosophy are defined as: the conscious evolution of the individual, self-knowledge, integration between body and spirit, knowledge of universal laws and the mental world, the development of a new life based on one's own abilities and the mastery of abilities. to study, learn, teach, think and perform.

How to practice logosophy?

After knowing the theoretical teachings of logosophy, it is time to learn how to practice it. It is important to emphasize that, in this doctrine, it is essential that people practice the knowledge they learn.

Therefore, after reading a book on self-care, for example, you should carry out the actions that were recommended by the book and that make sense for your life, evaluating what can be used.

A new individuality will only be built if the readings are not stuck on paper. The more a person investigates about feelings, issues of the universe and relationships, the more he will have teachings to put into practice.

According to logosophy, you should not apply absolutely every concept you learn. The process is based on learning and evaluating how these contents affect you, what they provoke in you, how they are useful for your life and what is your identification with each of them.

In this way, logosophy shows the importance of discovering who we are through learning and practicing concepts. Make inquiries about your personality, your qualities, your defects, your mental faculties, your emotions and your thoughts. It will not be a quick or simple process, but it is only through self-knowledge that you will be able to develop your potential.

What are the benefits of logosophy?

1) Self-knowledge

The first benefit of logosophy, which is also one of its goals, is self-knowledge. From the moment you bring this doctrine into your life, the possibility of knowing more about your wants, your desires, your beliefs and your personality will be before you.

The self-knowledge provided by logosophy will start from an individual process through which you are able to define your limits and how much you want to evolve. There is always something we can improve on, while there is always a trait we underestimate in ourselves.

2) Interpersonal relationships

Often, our interpersonal relationships are compromised because we frustrate other people's expectations or because we are unable to identify each other's role in our lives. Logosophy, through self-knowledge and constant personal and spiritual evolution, allows an individual to keep people by his side who make him feel good and who will help his maturation process.

Interpersonal relationships can improve if we are aware of what we can do for ourselves and for others. Helping other people evolve is essential in this process. You'll know what to do when they try to reduce you to something you're not, and you'll be grateful when someone knows you as well as you know yourself.

3) Understanding the world

Logosophy encourages understanding of oneself and of the physical and spiritual world. From your studies, you will be presented with different perspectives on reality, analyzing the one that most resembles your beliefs.

The first and most important step is to open yourself to this type of learning, developing your ability to question the world and delving into human issues. With this process, you will not find it difficult to better understand the reality that surrounds you.

4) Process of constant evolution

Logosophy cannot be understood as something to be accomplished in one moment of life. The doctrine has as its objective the constant evolution of the being, and must accompany its entire existence. Even when you believe that you have learned everything there is to learn, it will be possible to study more.

Keep putting the concepts you learn into practice even when you feel like you know everything. You will realize that new issues will arise and that perhaps you still don't know how to deal with them. Be more, evolve and mature every day.

5) Feeling of freedom

The feeling of freedom that comes from the logosophical doctrine can be identified in the awareness that each person will have about their own attitudes. Once you become responsible for your actions and understand your thoughts, feelings and emotions, you feel more freedom to act, speak and be who you are.

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The freedom of beings can only be achieved through a process of study and practice of issues that concern the individual. Take a position in the world, open yourself to knowledge and understand how it is possible to take advantage of your best qualities.

Now that you know all the characteristics of logosophy, it's time to put the concepts into practice. Always seek your improvement, in the most varied situations, and realize the changes that will happen in your life!

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