Living according to time

    It has been like that for all human beings: to be born at a time in history when the many tasks, the many commitments, are an inherent part of the way modern society was constituted.

    However, the time allotted to each task and the contact schedules, with which we are used to living, marked by hours, minutes and seconds, are nothing more than a social convention. Not that this is all bad, because, for better or worse, it works, that is, it meets our needs. After all, if we don't know what time it is, we can be late for our appointments and leave many people waiting, perhaps irritated, as they counted on us at some level, depending on their respective contexts.

    Living according to time

    It so happens that, for the divinity, that is, the All and the Universe, time is not perceived the way we know it, through our rational and logical mind. Universal time is basically processed in duration. There are no hours, minutes and seconds. Divine time becomes a light perception. It's not linear.

    To better understand this issue, just think about the times you had fun and, when you realized it, a lot of time had passed. Or even when he was in a waiting room, where time seemed to refuse to pass.

     oriented by patterns so it can get in sync and run, just like the clock itself, meeting everyone's expectations of attending some place, event, meeting, and controlling the duration of that activity. Linear time gives us the feeling of being in control. However, the time is different according to the perception of each person.

    Yet we choose to live with time to progress within the great social system. We choose to look at the clock and count the hours, as if they dictated the rules, the norms. We choose to be led by time throughout our days. Are we the ones who control time or does it control us?

    Imagine yourself living outside of linear time. For just a moment, consider retiring, even for a day, your watch and the need to tell time.

    Living according to time

    Would you be able to orient yourself solely by the present moment, by the moment, by the now? Would you be able to give your body and mind exactly what they need based on your perception of hunger, thirst, cold, heat, and your need for communication? Would you be able to interact with other people in this society by experiencing no-time?

    The experience as a function of time has sickened many people. Thousands and thousands of people live due to “unavoidable” commitments, hours in transit, stress when carrying out the work that should dignify the existence of the human being while incarnate.

    Thousands and thousands of people have learned to count the hours, minutes and seconds, making quick calculations to know if they will be late or not, to know whether or not they will deliver their projects on time, to know how many hours of sleep they have slept without to enjoy the comfort of home, the bed, the sofa and the shower that, to be bought, cost them a lot of work time.

    After all, that's the bargain. We trade hours of work for wages. We trade time in our lives for moments of stress.

    And, during the same work that stresses the human being, he counts the days left for the holidays, for the reduced vacations, because they were sold, so that he could rest at least a moment, in vain. Because, on the day of rest, the mind doesn't stop... it's market, shopping, retirement day...

    The stressed mind needs to be compensated with hours of peace. But the peace that is thought to be obtained, perhaps on the beach or on the financed trip, is full of traffic, people, noise, turmoil, which humans can barely rest. That's because while one human wants to rest, thousands of others are trading their time. Many of them in some work that goes far from bringing personal fulfillment, bringing meaning to their existence.

    What lost life is this? Is it worth living? To trade a lifetime for the satisfaction of doing something that you don't even like, but that you have to, because you've been told it would be better that way? Or said what? That living to pay the bills would be your burden?

    This is living in terms of time. Has our life time become so expensive that we insist on living conditioned to a stressful routine, feeding back into the system that has imprisoned thousands and thousands of people to continue to spend more and more of a time that never goes back?

    After the kids grow up, the holidays are gone, when selling vacations no longer pays off and the nights sleep can no longer be regained… After, when looking in the mirror, your face is already different, older, you will be able to reflect, compare and decide if the hours dedicated to a busy life were worth it compared to those dedicated to watching your children grow up, discovering new places, walking barefoot on the grass in the countryside and, during the calm of the days, hear the birds sing, the winds caress your face and the rain bring renewal to the soul.

    It's... my dear, my dear... How long will we still need to realize that it's only up to us to wake up to the madness of the stress that we ourselves chose to live to feed the illusion of status, of buying, selling, showing and to boast?

    How much time will we still need to understand that the life we ​​have to live is the opportunity to transform ourselves into serene, better, patient people?

    Living according to time

    How long will it take people to conclude that one life is too short to learn that we must make the most of it in order to bring happiness to each simple, but great, day?

    Perhaps, when that time comes, you will still be young. But, perhaps, he thinks he is old enough to realize how much time he wasted feeding his own ego, conditioning his behavior to a system that lives in order to bargain for time to buy, sell and profit, to feed itself and make people forget that the purpose of life is another. Progress? Where did we end up?

    How much time will we still need?

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