Feng Shui: Colors in the Children's Room

Let's focus on the colors in relation to your baby's room, what do you think? It's a great idea for him to feel protected, awaken creativity and have a balanced environment.

• Color is associated with abundance and beauty;
• Colors are associated with prosperous environments;
• Energy travels through: water, air and light;
• Color is light, so it carries energy;
• Color is energy in motion heading your way.

Any child's room should have a great variety of colors, after all, the goal is to make the child awaken creativity, feel safe and look for their own paths. The ideal is not to overdo it with any color, although there is a great preference for blue for boys and pink for girls. Let's be more contemporary and use stimulation, not imposition.

Studies show that too much blue makes boys distant, indifferent and with little feeling, whereas pink causes sweetness, dreams and a search for love from others. We want strong and lovely boys and girls, smart and creative, smart and cautious, so diversify the colors for a balance of being.

All colors have a good side and a bad side, like every balance: day/night, light/dark, joy/sadness, love/anger, Ying/Yang.

Feng Shui: Colors in the Children's RoomYellow

The color of greatest vitality to the human eye, as our sun is yellow. At night when the other colors mix and confuse, we can still perceive yellow well.

color effect: it has a stimulating action, activates the mind and intellect, brings light to a dark environment, animates, cheers and warms. Do not overuse it as the bedroom is a resting place.

Feng Shui: Colors in the Children's RoomOrange

It associates the psychological and physical benefits of yellow and red. It is the color of sociability, it diminishes the feeling of loneliness (salmon and peach too).

color effects: produces integration of people with the environment, stimulates conversation, reduces the feeling of loneliness, increases confidence. Do not overuse it as the bedroom is a resting place.

Feng Shui: Colors in the Children's RoomBlue

It reduces blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and muscle tension. It is the color of the sky.

color effects: favors introspection, gives mystery, refreshes or cools the environment, induces spirituality and contemplation, produces relaxation and generates a nocturnal mood when used in darker tones. Good color for children's bedroom, generates calm.

Feng Shui: Colors in the Children's RoomGreen

It is the color of most vegetation. Where there is green, there is life and support for human life. It is associated with growth, it is also linked to youth and hope for the future.

color effects: promotes connection with nature, generates peace in the environment, rejuvenates, promotes calm and rest, balances Ying and Yang (although it is a cold color, it is a mixture between blue and yellow).

Feng Shui: Colors in the Children's RoomWhite

It is the combination of all colors and reflects light and color. In an environment with a predominance of white, there is a sensation of absence of stimuli. Its power to reflect light can strain people's eyes, causing irritation and impatience.

color effects: brings a feeling of cleanliness and freshness to the environment, accentuates qualities of other colors when combined with them, reflects light, brightening environments, is the color of concentration and anxiety.

Feng Shui: Colors in the Children's RoomViolet, Purple or Purple

It combines hues of blue and red. Evoking concentration and spirituality, it combines the passion and joy of red with the relaxation, calm and spirituality of blue.

color effects: favors the process of self-knowledge and inner evolution, raises self-esteem, indicates power. Do not exaggerate its use in the dorm.


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