Live the present

    Life goes by too fast. Considering the time of existence on planet Earth, our existence is already small, imagine then what would 80 years be in billions and billions of years? Practically nothing. When you are older, that old school teaching that the existential cycle of man is divided into birth, growth, reproduction and death makes more and more sense. It's as if our internal timer starts to run, literally, counting down from adulthood onwards. Today we are here, but tomorrow we don't know.

    Of course, tomorrow is not right for anyone. Unforeseen events happen, naturally. But speaking of probabilities, an adult is more vulnerable at the end of life than a child who is still "crawling" in writing his own story. For a child, the future can be very beautiful. Your choices will determine where you will be tomorrow. The adult's future is already defined. Not that it's impossible, of course, but it's much easier for a child to become an engineer when he's older than an adult, amid a million responsibilities, to start down a new path. Perhaps like a three-liter soda, it is much more difficult to get โ€œgasโ€ at the end of the carbonated drink than at the beginning of it.

    Live the present

    The big question is if tomorrow doesn't come. Will today and all the โ€œyesterdaysโ€ have been worth it? Although in the previous paragraph it is written that it is unlikely to start a new beginning, is there anything preventing you from doing so if you feel it is necessary? How many stories do we have of acquaintances who don't regret throwing it all away and treading a new path? And when we say that this path is not only in relation to work, but in a series of much deeper things, mainly linked to our habits?

    The past has already happened, there's nothing else to do, except to learn lessons from it, even what not to do again. The future is a mystery that occurs due to events that depend or not on our actions. The present, on the other hand, justifies its name: a gift that we get daily to draw a new tomorrow every day. Do you enjoy yours? If not, put it in your mind that you can start doing it right away.

    Text written by Diego Rennan from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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