What is bullying and how does it affect a person's life?

There are some issues that we need to be aware of when we are responsible for children and adolescents. Knowing what bullying is, for example, is indispensable.

That's because staying on top not only of trends, but also of the problems and difficulties faced by this vulnerable community helps us to understand and help them more easily. Although this situation affects people of all ages, this is a group that becomes the biggest target of this problem, as it is growing and developing.

Full of nuances, problems and consequences, this theme gains more and more prominence. And, in this article, you will have access to really uplifting information on the subject.

What is bullying?

In a simplified way, bullying is a set of practices carried out with the aim of intimidating and hurting a person. It can be carried out in many ways, from physical to psychological aggression, intimidation, harassment, disrespect and others.

However, isolated cases do not fit this definition, only those that are carried out frequently and against the same people.

The term “bullying”, first used in the 1970s by the Swedish psychologist Dan Olweus, does not have an exact translation into Portuguese. Originating in the English language, it comes from the term “bully”, which means “bully, quarrelsome”. That is, it makes direct reference to the type of violence that is committed by these people.

Even without a similar word in Portuguese, the original term became so commented that it was naturalized and is now part of the Spanish repertoire — and everyone knows its meaning.

Where can bullying happen?

Contrary to what many people believe, bullying is not exclusive to the school environment. Although its occurrence is more discussed in this environment, mainly because it is very frequented by children and adolescents, it can occur in the most varied places, as long as there is the presence of interpersonal contact.

In clubs and playgrounds, for example, it is possible to observe this type of behavior. Even the person's own family can commit this violence against him, in his own home or in the home of family members.

And it doesn't stop there: adult environments, such as colleges and offices, are also conducive to bullying.

As this is a problem mainly caused by the interaction of people, it is important to remember that there is no “ideal place” for it to be carried out: every place with many individuals runs the risk of facing this situation.

Types of bullying

As already mentioned, bullying can be practiced in many ways. According to Ana Beatriz Barbosa da Silva, a Spanish doctor who wrote the book “Bullying — Mentes Dangerous in Schools”, this violence can be presented in five main ways.

Knowing these methods facilitates their identification and, consequently, the resolution of the problem. Look:

— Bullying verbal

It is the most well-known type of bullying and one of the easiest to recognize. It consists of verbal abuse, which includes insults, insults, name-calling, derogatory nicknames, offensive jokes, among others. Although, at first, it doesn't seem so problematic, it can cause serious disturbances of self-esteem, confidence and trauma.

— Physical bullying

More severe, physical bullying refers to violence that goes beyond words and moves to actions that involve hitting, kicking, beating, hurting and hurting the victim. In this case, stealing and destroying the bullied target's belongings are also included. In addition to the psychological trauma that this situation can cause, this type of bullying can also cause physical health problems.

- Psychological bullying

In the case of psychological bullying, the intention is to really terrify the victim and make her fear the presence of her aggressor. For this, tactics such as isolation, contempt and discrimination are widely used. Blackmail and intimidation also come into play at this point, as well as rumor milling falls into this category.

— Bullying sexual

Sexual bullying can include the same tactics as the above categories, with the aggravating factor of sexual abuse.

— Bullying virtual (cyberbullying)

Carried out in the digital realm, cyber bullying is becoming increasingly common. This is because, nowadays, most people have access to the internet. In this environment, there is still the phenomenon of feeling invincible and anonymous, which encourages people who would not carry out this type of violence in person. This is a very problematic situation, as it makes the victim not feel safe even outside the environment in which they are abused.

Consequences of bullying

What is bullying and how does it affect a person's life?
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Many people consider bullying a common action among children and adolescents, stating that this type of situation is nothing more than a joke, and that it is necessary to have patience and acceptance.

However, this type of violence can have very serious consequences, including trauma that victims carry throughout their lives.
The psychological side of these people becomes very affected and they can develop a series of disorders, such as: panic, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and even social phobia.

If these problems are not taken seriously and treated, even more serious consequences can arise.

In addition, the consequences of bullying can also affect people's physiques. Nervousness and stress, for example, are capable of causing palpitations, headaches, tension, concentration problems, gastric and intestinal problems, insomnia and many others.

Times when bullying went too far

The long-term consequences of bullying are not the only cause for concern. Often, this type of violence goes too far and its result can be seen immediately.

In 2018, for example, a 14-year-old bullied victim was assaulted by two girls at the end of class. The case took place in Bahia, at the Clélia das Graças Figueredo Pinto Municipal School, and the motivation would have been the denunciation of bullying, reinforcing the importance of being able to identify this type of problem and intervene before it goes too far.

Unfortunately, the situation can become so serious that it results in loss of life. In 2012, for example, Cade Poulos, just 13 years old, took a gun to school and took his own life in front of his classmates. He was motivated by the constant bullying he suffered in classrooms.

Bullying can even lead to major tragedies, such as the Realengo massacre, in which a target of aggressors invaded the Tasso da Silveira Municipal School in 2011 and shot several teenagers before taking his own life.

How to fight bullying?

All these extremely sad and worrying accidents show that fighting bullying is an important and immediate task. It is not possible to leave it for later, especially when it is causing so many psychological and physical problems.

Fortunately, it can be accomplished by following a few steps: identify the victim, help them, identify the bully and treat them. Learn more about each of the steps:

— How to identify the target of bullying?

Whether out of fear of their aggressors, caused by intimidation by them, or simply because of the shame of what happened, it is very common for victims of bullying not to report the violence suffered to those responsible. But this does not mean that it is impossible to identify them.

In fact, there are several actions that indicate this type of problem: loss of interest in school or studies, appearance of mysterious injuries, isolation from friends, sadness, crying spells, headache, gastric and intestinal problems, loss or break of objects for no apparent reason… These are just a few examples.

— How can I help you?

After identifying the problem, before any action, it is important to ensure the victim's safety. That is, taking actions to avoid retaliation from the bully is extremely necessary.

Then you have to support and welcome the person. Talking to her, understanding what happened and encouraging her to share her feelings is indispensable even in figuring out the best way to deal with her and guide her through the journey of recovery. At this point, having the presence of a psychologist is very indicated.

— How to identify people who bully?

Identifying the perpetrators of bullying can be more complicated. This is because they are usually quite smart, carrying out their aggressions when no one is around and being quite charming. However, there are some typical actions that you can keep an eye out for.

The fact that he reacts in an exaggerated and very negative way when he is contradicted, for example, is a great indicator. Trying to use physical force to make your wishes come true is another point of attention, as is the difficulty in losing. Showing up with mysterious objects is also suspicious, as he could be stealing from his victim.

— How to treat the bully?

Treating the bully can be quite complex, after all, it is common to have a tendency to see them as villains in the story. Although they made mistakes and, of course, deserve to pay for their mistakes according to their severity, understanding their motivations is very important to knowing how to treat them.

Often, they themselves suffer from some type of violence, so they feel the need to take their frustration out on other people. Having an expert on the subject by your side is essential to be able to analyze the best way to deal with this aggressor.

break this cycle

Bullying is one of the biggest forms of violence a person can suffer. And worst of all, it can occur in all kinds of environments, including those where she should be safer: schools, offices and even her own homes.

Seeking to understand more about this subject is painful, especially when it is possible to find so many cases that were taken too far and resulted in tragedies. But reading this kind of news is good, because it opens our eyes and drives us to act.

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  • Bullying: understand why it is necessary to look at the aggressor
  • Break the cycle of bullying: how to overcome this violence?
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Breaking this cycle depends on each of us. Whether helping someone you know is being bullied or catching signs of a potential bully before it evolves, everyone can do their part to ensure a fairer, less violent world.

It all depends on our willingness to be part of the transformation and the search for a better world.

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