Limiting Beliefs: Scarcity

Talking about scarcity is in fashion. There is another belief that has a mansion in our unconscious. Scarcity thoughts, I? You're welcome!

Who in their right mind would say they think about scarcity? Nobody wants to admit it, but everyone thinks, a lot. The image that comes to my mind is that of a little animal with many legs and arms clinging to our neurons.

Scarcity is the opposite of abundance

Want to see how you have scarcity thoughts but don't even realize it?

Well, notice how many times you thought of things like:

· “Oh, I’ll never be able to buy that new car!”

· “That course is too expensive for me.”

· “Do you know when I will be able to make my trip? Wait until the cows come home."

· “Oh, this project is not going to work! I don't have all the knowledge needed to play it.”

And so, without realizing it, we sabotage ourselves, thinking about things and speaking phrases that take us to a place of scarcity, lack, lack, forgetting that the Universe is built from infinite possibilities that we choose.

How do we build our reality?

Anyone who is more familiar with quantum mechanics knows that everything that is matter (in quantum physics, this is called a particle) has previously existed as an idea (also called a wave in quantum physics).

That is, everything is born from ideas, from information, and will be manifested and materialized. The inventor first connects to an abstract idea, until he puts it on paper and makes it happen.

And with our accomplishments, it doesn't happen differently. The point is that we get so caught up in difficulties, negative thoughts, beliefs that are imprinted in our unconscious that we refute our power to create or co-create.

The Universe is abundant, and we are the ones who choose to connect to scarcity, from small to great achievements.

And how is it possible to accomplish something that is on the plane of ideas?

Limiting Beliefs: Scarcity
Startup Stock Photos / Pexels

Knowing yourself and understanding what your limiting beliefs are about the possibility of living abundantly in all aspects of life. We are not just talking about material achievements, but everything that is capable of taking us to a space where abundance happens.

It can be in health, relationships, work, success and also material achievements. The point is that heart, mind and action must be aligned. Feeling that something can be accomplished leads us to look for the conditions and tools we need to achieve something.

It is most certainly not with thoughts of failure and lack that we can connect with abundance.

Very important: the Universe recognizes when our intentions are only for our own benefit. We can even achieve things we want, but if the intention is not aligned with the greater good, if it is something that brings selfish benefits, the path to abundance may not be long.

So, shall we go?

Start by writing down what you want to achieve. Notice what your intentions are, what drives you to want it. Is it something that harms someone? Does it help anyone besides you?

Our intentions when seeking certain things for our life are very important.

Focus on what you want. Imagine in detail what you think abundance is for you. Think of everything you need to achieve that goal.

Observing your beliefs about scarcity

Think about the details of what you want. If it's something material, think about all the details: colors, shapes, smells, etc. Thought?

Limiting Beliefs: Scarcity
Anastasia Shuraeva / Pexels

Now that you've formed the idea, ask yourself:

  • What would my life be like if all this was already conquered or accomplished?
  • What's the worst that would happen if I had already conquered everything I want?
  • What better would happen if this had already been accomplished?

Truly listen to your answers and be observant of yourself.

Ride, see, feel what the scene looks like.

This goes for anything else that you intend to conquer through abundance. If it's a relationship, think about what the person you want to be with would be like, what aspects would be important.

And, above all, think about why you want to achieve this.

welcome the answers

Pay attention to the voice deep inside that speaks to you:

· “Oh, if I have money to pay the bills, they'll say I'm rich and they'll be jealous of me.”

· “If I get a better job because I studied, my friends will leave.”

· “If I had this, I wouldn't be able to have anyone in my life. I would live isolated, no one would approach me if not out of interest!”

Limiting Beliefs: Scarcity
Los Muertos Crew / Pexels

Then evaluate:

· What moves you to this? Is it the will to excel? Is it the fear of being different? Is it the desire to belong to something?

Scarcity is not a plague that someone put on us. It is we ourselves who, driven by the ego, sabotage ourselves and our determination to achieve what we want.

We are ourselves who, being in a comfort zone, are afraid to face the changes that are necessary in our way of seeing and living life. Fear of facing our worst feelings, of looking into the shadows. The ego prefers you to be quiet, right where you are; is safer. Not out of spite, but because that's exactly his job.

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Then redo the exercise with a new vision. More than thinking, feel and build the scene with good results and with everything you want around you, being fully aware of what you need to do to make it happen.

Observe the signs of the Universe, the people who approach you, the opportunities and invitations that begin to move for what you want to happen. This is how the Universe conspires in our favor: when each of us does our part.

positive affirmations

Believe that positive affirmations are not bullshit, they are neural stimuli so that we can change our negative thoughts, look at the world with different eyes. You must persist and act.

Tell yourself:

“Everything inspires me to seek my accomplishments.”

“The Universe always presents me with possibilities to conquer what I want.”

“I deserve to be happy and achieve abundance in my life.”

“I get along well with people and I can offer them my best.”

Feel happy, thank yourself for every victory and every small achievement and also thank everyone who is sharing this new situation with you.

Build your abundance by recognizing your intentions and identifying your beliefs about scarcity, transforming them into aspects to be worked on for a new life project.

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