Light and Shadows - Dealing with Our Emotions in the World of Duality

Have you ever noticed that there is a virtually unknown and unexplored inner space within you?

Every human being has a hiding place within him, which is unknown and where the Light of understanding has not yet penetrated, so the shadows make their abode in that dark place.

There are ways of perceiving the signs that denote the existence of this unexplored space, with the aim of making it known.

Have you ever noticed an internal aspect in yourself or in another person that disturbs you and bothers you?

In this reflection, we will focus on these aspects in order to unveil the hidden space in each of us.

First, it is necessary to take into account that we inhabit a dual world, where opposites interact or confront each other, so we oscillate between light and shadows.

The shadows that inhabit each of us are reflected in the external world, that's why, by paying attention to your reality, you can perceive hidden internal aspects that are projected on your outside.

Light and Shadows - Dealing with Our Emotions in the World of Duality

These dark aspects that exist in every human being often carry dense and unpleasant contents, so it is easier to deny and resist them.

By avoiding recognizing their shadows, which in greater proportion act unconsciously, and bringing them to the surface, they end up revealing themselves instinctively in relationships and external situations, regardless of their will.

β€œAs long as we do not become conscious, the unconscious will rule our life”, said the great psychoanalyst Carl Jung.

To perceive the unconscious governing your life, observe yourself and you will realize projections, especially what is not well resolved in you and that, therefore, ends up mirroring in the other.

Light and Shadows - Dealing with Our Emotions in the World of Duality

In this context, your discomfort will unconsciously denounce itself, through your judgments and criticisms of the person who is being your mirror.

Unfortunately, as it is an unconscious reaction, the more judgment, complaint and criticism, the stronger the shadows that end up generating resistance, limitations and negatively influencing your choices, decisions and circumstances, thus outlining your reality.

Here's a practical example of this:

If a person dislikes another because he finds him vain, proud and arrogant and this bothers him, it can reveal internal aspects of him projected on the next.

When the Light of self-observation is placed in the shadows, they dissipate.

In the dual world, the Light brings lightness, understanding, awareness, vision and lucidity, while the shadows can keep fears, resentments, repressed emotions, buried sadness and bitterness, generating insecurity, confusion, disturbance, negative patterns, neuroses and even diseases.

Light and Shadows - Dealing with Our Emotions in the World of Duality

Life is a process of experimentation, creation and expansion, so it is an opportunity for continuous self-revelation.

Each experience, synchronicity and cycle bring possibilities for self-knowledge and improvement.

Seeing and assuming our shadows with the Light of perception and understanding contributes to their dissolution.

The more we repress, disguise and reject the shadows, the more they strengthen and end up appearing through instinctive reactions. This is when, for example, an outbreak of anger occurs.

Anger reveals pent-up emotions and energy because of feelings that have been poorly processed, so when you feel angry, look at that feeling and vent it constructively, for example:

When feeling angry with someone, look at what made you feel that emotion and try to see inside yourself what triggered it, without judgment and victimism, but meditating on her cause and talking. In this way it will be possible to arrive at the way in which you interpret and create your reality, give meaning to experiences and your defense mechanisms.

A constructive way to deal with anger WITHOUT letting it remain repressed in the unconscious is to sublimate it into a force and impulse for positive actions and activities, such as:

Light and Shadows - Dealing with Our Emotions in the World of Duality
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Doing physical activities or sports

Developing philanthropic actions or cultural ventures

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Performing artistic activities, such as singing, dancing, painting, writing, among others

If you can, even scream!

In short, to better deal with our shadows and live with more lightness and balance, it is necessary to see them, accept them and understand them, creating space for the Light to enter, bringing greater lucidity and development of consciousness.

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