Psychology, psychotherapy, why do it?

Psychology, psychotherapy, why do it?

The Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior of the human being and its interactions with the physical and social environment. This is science, not common sense. Psychotherapy is a treatment method, an application of the knowledge of Psychology in the clinic.

And why do?

Psychotherapy is a valuable resource for dealing with the difficulties inherent in human existence. What does that mean? That we all experience difficulties and face moments of anguish, therefore, psychotherapy should no longer suffer from the stigma associated with madness. It also has a preventive character, everyone can benefit from it, as suffering can take different forms and influence our daily lives.

What is Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychotherapy?

The proposal of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is to help the patient to talk about himself, and to learn to listen to himself, so that he can get to know his unconscious world. It sounds simple, but in a world where we are bombarded with information and tasks, this is not an easy process.

During Psychotherapy, the patient comes into contact with contents that escape our understanding, and go unnoticed in this busy day to day. However, these contents influence our way of feeling, thinking and acting. For this reason, we often cannot understand our behaviors and thoughts, or because some things insist on going wrong in our lives, such as problems with interpersonal relationships, at work, in health, among others.

Psychotherapy does not offer ready-made formulas, it allows the patient to think about himself and find his ways. The professional is there to assist in this process.

To seek Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy it is necessary to have an interest in oneself, beyond the explanations offered by common sense. Therefore, the psychotherapist is not like a friend who will advise you. You are a professional with the proper training to help you develop the ability to make choices for yourself, and there is nothing more liberating than that.

Many people refuse therapy, even in states of deep distress. Some claim that the issue is that the sessions are expensive. We cannot deny that it is a significant investment, but it is an investment that will be made exclusively for you, and that you will carry with you. It is not like consumer goods, which have a short life, and we do not hesitate to acquire more and more, such as clothes, electronics, beauty products, aesthetic investments, etc., and they only bring us a temporary well-being.

How much do we spend on a state-of-the-art cell phone, on hair and skin treatments, on clothes? If we allow ourselves to invest in all of this, why not invest in our greater good, our health? Therapy has no expiration date, even when it comes to an end, everything that has been accomplished you take with your life. It's a choice you can make in your favor.

Also, do not get carried away by outdated terms such as: “psychologist is crazy”, on the contrary, there is no greater sign of sanity than looking at yourself, seeking help in the face of difficulties, knowing how to relate to yourself and the world around you. your return. Think of you!

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