Life is full of beginnings

    Life is full of beginnings

    Start over… take a deep breath and go ahead. Take a break from everything and everyone, start over...

    In the course of our life, we will go through moments that will give indications that the only and best way out is to start over! Take that break, turn inside yourself, breathe, take a break from everything and everyone, start over!

    Starting over is necessary, but beginnings, let's face it, are not easy, are they? Starting over means changing, doing the same things again, but from a new and different perspective.

    However, many times, when we take this break, the return is not as we expected and, then, we realize that nothing has changed and that this break has not had the desired effect on us. Then, little by little, we start to get frustrated with ourselves, with the world and with our reality.

    To better understand what starting over means in our existence, let's use the metamorphosis of the butterfly as an example. If we look at a caterpillar, before entering the cocoon, we realize that it is an ugly, crawling, unattractive being.

    However, when she enters the cocoon and stays there, respecting nature's time, by tearing the cocoon, it is not a caterpillar that will come out, but a beautiful and colorful butterfly. The ugly unattractive caterpillar that was stuck and crawling will never be the same again, for it evolved, it grew wings. Even if she tries to crawl, it won't be possible, as her will to fly is greater than her desire to stay where she was.

    We can compare ourselves to a caterpillar when it comes to starting over. Every fresh start comes from a break, right? So, if there was this pause, it's because something wasn't right, something wasn't happening as expected, there was possible unhappiness, and then life asks for a fresh start. However, many times, we confuse “Restart” with “Pause”.

    Pausing is stopping for a while and doing everything again in the same way, starting over means stopping, transforming, giving the necessary time for things to adjust., and from this transformation new possibilities emerge. Starting over is having different attitudes, believing that the results will be different.

    What I mean is that relapses are not beginnings. If you truly want to start over, it will require much more of you than simply stopping and doing it again.

    Starting over requires having a new attitude in the face of challenges, stepping out of your comfort zone, being mature enough to exclude from your life everything that is not good for you; stop being a victim of yourself and look at yourself as you really are, great!

    Starting over is basing yourself on your roots and creating within yourself a structure so big that relapses will no longer be an option.

    When we decide to start over, we put in ourselves a purpose to do different, but when we fall into the same mistakes, we are not starting over, we are being hypocritical with ourselves, assuming to the world that we are not capable of taking good care of our own life, when in fact this ability it just depends on us.

    Whenever you are satisfied with what life gives you, without questioning if that is in fact what you deserve, you claim to the universe that what comes is enough, because you have no greater expectations for yourself.

    "The ignorance is a blessing."

    How many times have I heard this! When we have no knowledge, we imagine that what we know is enough. When we are aware of something or some possibility, we feel challenged to learn about this something new. We are a constant metamorphosis.

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    We learn all the time, just want to! We are enlightened by having the possibility of learning close to infinity, without limitations. We are an ocean to be discovered by ourselves, self-knowledge is accompanied by self-acceptance and self-realization.

    Breaks are for everyone; Beginnings are for the strong!

    Take a deep breath and go ahead! start over!

    Success! Cheers! Prosperity! Let's go!

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