Life beyond Life – The Threshold

    Many of us already know, through our morning readings, what a great part of the Earth's population is responsible for the existence of the threshold. Place called low vibratory pattern, it is located in the Earth's crust, but it is only visualized by seers or at the time of our passing, since it is in the fluidic state and is not dense material, which we find ourselves when we are incarnated, that is, , now, for example.

    The threshold is a place of quite heavy fluidic density, because there are those spirits that delight in evil, that is, the same evil minds that inhabited here, on Earth, with us and only thought of harming and hindering the progress of humanity, committing a variety of atrocities. In this place, therefore, they are prevented from reaching higher layers, the disembodied, in a kind of communion of ideas, like us who are living in the flesh and join by affinities with evil people.

    It is evident that they do not stay there forever, because as the Father is merciful, he sends messengers of good to help them, but the help depends on those who are there, as we know that many, even after the passing, they want to continue to persecute those who were left on this plane. They are the obsessors, as we call them, but that is a subject for another article.

    Life beyond Life – The Threshold

    Here, in the world called the β€œliving”, we see people who practice evil, taking drugs, committing heinous crimes and, often, even if invited to be helped, they refuse and prefer to continue committing evil and end up execrated in prisons.

    When if humanity perseveres in the good and minds evolve sufficiently, surely the threshold will disappear and there will be full happiness, because the earth's crust will be clarified and incarnated and disincarnated, united in a healthy psychosphere, will make it possible to reign the new Earth mentioned in the Apocalypse, but this will still take considerable time.

    In summary, umbral is nothing more than a place formed by the bad minds that populate the Earth. It is our thoughts of mediocrity that support the Fluidic Earth to be enveloped opaquely and with a dismal aspect, perhaps resembling the spoken purgatory.

    May we strive to filter our thoughts, so that the long-awaited planetary evolution as a whole can happen.

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