Life beyond Life – On another planet

    It is true that the Spirits have already informed us that we are on a planet of trials and atonements, meaning that here the evil predominates. It is evident that we have happy moments, but they are just nuances. How could we have full happiness if we see people suffering? Although some are not related or related to us, it is a terrible thing. Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, but if we don't sympathize with our neighbor, we're not expanding enough love in God's eyes!

    Life beyond Life – On another planet

    All these occurrences that involve the human being are within a greater objective that is our evolution as a spirit, and these disincarnations that we call en masse, because it is not just an isolated death or natural death, they have to do with the change that the Planet is passing, because everything tends to evolve and the Earth also has its destiny traced.

    Many of these people who leave today, fatally, will not return to this Planet, and when they reincarnate they will find themselves on a planet with less evolution, this is because many of the disincarnate are refractory to progress, an obstacle, and many others enjoy evil. We must heed the words of Jesus and we will have clear future events. Only love is worth it. But how can we say that we love if we hurt, kill and, most of the time, support evil?

    Wars have been around since the beginning and have never led to anything, other than supporting the arms industry. The same ones who start wars are the ones who ask for peace, which is an inconsistency. But the advantage of all this is that we are all transients here on Earth and the war we fought for ends the moment we return to the spiritual plane, taking only the feeling of love or hate, which will reflect in our next life, since we were created by the Father to be eternal.

    We will certainly meet again in a future life with the person who passed away, but the future harmonious coexistence will depend on the love that we mutually dedicate in this life. Those who have evil in their hearts and are an obstacle to the evolution of the Earth will certainly not return here, going to inhabit Planets with less evolution, where the progress and technology that exists here, over there, is zero.

    Peace for all.

    Life beyond Life – On another planet

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