Life beyond Life - Body and Appearance

As soon as we are satisfied with the body of flesh that we carry, be it with defects, love handles, sore from the struggles undertaken on Earth, we will transfer this satisfaction to the somatic body, perispirit, astral body, psychosoma, the name does not matter, but we will certainly be with this second body that I prefer to call perispirit, more quintessential, and when we reach spirituality, we will have less work to polish it.

Life beyond Life - Body and AppearanceMany people are concerned with keeping the carnal body in shape, looking like a miss, but their minds are full of insults. They exude rancor, discord, envy, selfishness, cynicism wherever they go. This poisons the organism which, although beautiful on the outside, creates fluidic larvae that end up contaminating and swelling the perispirit.

It is not enough to pursue the beauty of the carnal body if our mind is wrapped in thoughts that discredit our fellow human beings. We must keep in mind that the energy we exhale is the same as the energy we are enveloped in.

It is valid, yes, we try to have a healthy body within the limits, because many people have already disincarnated trying to reach perfection.

Life beyond Life - Body and Appearance

When we feel that we are going down the path of frustration, it's time to stop and live with the body we have, because it's no use having slender flesh from our point of view and having a second body, the somatic, very different in its anatomy. .

What really matters is our character. Jesus, on one occasion, said: “you are like whitewashed tombs”. Our appearance is not enough, but what we really are internally.

The important thing is to be happy, whatever the body, but with the mind shining.
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