Samsara the movie

    The film portrays a story of love and spiritual quest for the self, set in the incredible landscapes of Ladakh, in the Himalayas. The word โ€œSamsaraโ€ derives from the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation and the afterlife, advocating that the spirit must go through a series of earthly lives as it evolves to achieve its goals and objectives. The analogy with the film's plot is totally direct with the proposed message: Tashi (Shawn Ku), is a young Buddhist monk who returns to his monastery after spending exactly three years, three months, three days and three hours in an isolated marathon of meditation in the mountains.

    Recovering from the harsh ordeal, Tashi begins to feel disturbed by carnal and erotic desires and the life of society, filled with desires, possessions, possessions, relationships, etc.

    Samsara the movieAlthough the film portrays aspects of the Buddhist religion, such as customs, meditations and ceremonies, as most films of this type present, Samsara shows another side in which the viewer reflects on the role of sex itself and carnal relationships, whether or not they can be linked to religious doctrines. Society as a whole still sees sex as a taboo, a sin, thanks to religions that โ€œaccuseโ€ such desires as bad, despite being part of human life, defending the idea of โ€‹โ€‹isolation for prayers in order to achieve enlightenment or the fun.

    One of the most interesting moments in the film is precisely the internal conflict that the disciple suffers: to live an ordinary life, happy with his family and having his carnal and material desires satisfied, or to become a human being with his spiritual fullness achieved? Although most of us live in society, this feeling is common in many people: the anguish of living in the thought about the โ€œdualityโ€ proposed in the film and the need to make a decision.

    Spoiler attention: Another point presented in the film that deserves the spectator's reflection is the role of women in religion and society throughout the ages. We know that, since the beginning, many religions have placed (and still place) women in an inferior position, even preventing them from being part of certain sects and philosophies. Our main character has a relationship with a woman and has a child. The viewer comes to realize the importance not only of the family as an example for children, but that the woman is as important as the man.

    It is worth watching the film, which will make you think about your own life, your desires, dreams and goals. As well as the search for this โ€œIโ€ that each one of us has and to which we often do not pay due attention, choosing to just live our routine, oblivious to what happens around us.

    Through moving scenes and messages that touch the heart, the film captures the viewer, leaving him attentive to what happens during the story and what decisions Tashi will make.

    Direction: Nalin bread
    Cast: Shawn Ku, Christy Chung, The Best Of Shawn Ku
    Genres: drama e romance
    Countries: France, Switzerland, Italy, India, Germany
    Duration: 2h18m
    Release year: 2001

    Text written by Bruno da Silva Melo from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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