letter to Lavinia

    You were born in a very troubled and arduous time and, even in the midst of suffering, you brought with you the warmth of spring. And with each new day you manage to blossom the life of those around you, resonating immense light and hope even on inopportune days – just like spring. I remember the anxiety and difficulty that occurred to me in accepting that I was going to be an aunt once her parents shared the news.

    I remember being dreamy and apprehensive. It was all a novelty – and it still is –, in conclusion, Auntie is a first-timer and as in every first-time trip, the experience has been great amidst the oscillations of learning and challenges. Although I'm not the most doting auntie, I feel immeasurable affection for you. I am proud and grateful that you chose me as an auntie and helped me lead the journey.

    letter to Lavinia

    Allowing me the privilege of teaching you an infinity of things and also learning an abundance of others – and that not even in my best dream, I could imagine experiencing a journey as incredible as ours, my little Nina.

    Gratitude Nina, for teaching auntie to challenge herself and try to understand, among many things, your incomprehensible language (I suspect that not even your parents understand what you say), but what matters is the heart, right? And we don't even need to say anything about this one – love is unconditional.

    Gratitude for teaching me to care for and protect such a precious treasure without expecting anything in return. Gratitude for allowing me to go back to childhood and explore other journeys from different worlds through your adventures (especially when you discover funny and silly YouTube videos with Chinese, Korean, Mexican language, among others – and start to find it funny). Gratitude for liking my Turma da Mônica duvet and allowing me to travel in your imaginary and joyful world. Gratitude for making my heart explode every time you consume plant foods <3 (I assume you are the future vegan in the family). Gratitude for awakening in me the most amiable feeling. Gratitude for the genuineness and opportunity to share with everyone how magnificent our trip has been.

    I always wanted to be an aunt when I listened to what my friends and closest friends shared.

    I tried to imagine how amazing it must be. And it's way beyond what people say. Being an aunt is great. It is above all: learning to value the simplicity of life. It is wanting and seeking to be the best example for the greatest preciousness that life presents us with. It's finding grace in something totally disconnected. It's venturing into imaginary universes with very rich important learnings – and making it a passport to infinite imagination and hope. It is to create flight in multiple pilgrimages that go far beyond what words can measure because it is so special. It's having the greatest privilege in the world to win the most precious gift that life is able to offer us. It's reinventing yourself and rediscovering a new synonym for the word love.

    letter to Lavinia

    I know you are still small and it may take some time for you to read Auntie's letter, but I wish you, my little one, good health, a prosperous future and endless opportunities to share with everyone the greatness of spring - that only you can resonate with. most sublime feeling in those around her.

    Congratulations my little one, may you enjoy joyful pilgrimages.

    With all my heart, Auntie loves you very much.

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