Archangel Michael says “Have confidence”

    My dears,

    You are currently being bombarded with LIGHT AND LOVE from the Greater Galaxy/Sun Core. If you are feeling exhausted, tired, in pain and suffering – rest. Take naps, take care of your beautiful Earth Vehicles. Your bodies are undergoing a metamorphosis. Your DNA, RNA, every atom, every molecule, every cell is being updated, realigned, revitalized. Did I say TIRED?

    This is the path that you have chosen at this time and, once again, we say: Relax, allow, release.

    Whatever you are holding on to so tightly will be released from your “control”, so relax, let go of everything and TRUST. Trust that all that is happening now in this moment/space reality is for your highest and fullest outcome. Even if this is not what you are feeling, please, again, we ask you to TRUST. Everything will be revealed in perfect timing and then you will see how the plan needed to be developed.

    As you watch the world and all the “drama” that is being enacted, REMEMBER to allow and to release as well. You can remain detached from all that is unfolding and your LOVE, LIGHT AND DIVINE ENERGY can be sent into these situations, which is all it is necessary for you to do.

    Archangel Michael says “Have confidence”You have chosen to lead the way out of chaos and drama, which can be accomplished by focusing your attention and visualizing the perfect outcome for all of humanity. This allows those who are still trapped in fear and negativity to see differently.

    Be this LIGHT, this LOVE.

    Open your magnificent hearts wide and let the energy of LOVE flow to everyone who enters your energy field. By osmosis, others will be affected by you holding your Light and your energy in such a way that they cannot help but feel it too. So those who now wish to see – what you see, and feel what you feel – will radiate to you.

    Many souls are now leaving the drama behind and looking for a more peaceful alternative to what they see – out there. They look at you and notice that you are going through the same world, but that you have a way of not getting caught up in fear and anger.

    “What do you do? I want what you're projecting – to feel better, to feel at peace. How do I do, what do you do? I want to feel better.”

    Many more souls will be asking you these questions soon. Be prepared to show them the LOVE of your heart, the steps you took, the tools you used to get out of this place, into your new world. Show them that you are willing to help them, hold each of their hands and walk a new path to your New World in ONENESS.

    With all that is happening on Planet Earth, all the devastation and destruction, dear ones, we tell you that it is the prelude to your most amazing future. The old structures, the old perceptions and the old ways of being and interacting on all levels of humanity are ending – sometimes extremely abruptly.

    Answer the summons, dear ones. Open your hearts wider, make your smile wider and let those who are seeking “SEE” YOU and know your energy. That's your deal, dear ones – honor yourselves and each other.

    Miraculous times await, dear ones, as you welcome more souls into the Light. The Light you were born to shine with.

    As always, dear ones, we ask you to TRUST, have FAITH and know that these words I send you are true.

    Once again, as the veils between all dimensions thin, we are closer to you than ever before. Invoke them: your Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Star Brothers and Sisters – much help is available now. We are less than a breath away, dear ones.

    We work closely with you during your dreams at night and during the day in your meditations and moments of silence – we are always with you.

    You are loved immeasurably, dear ones, for choosing to be the ones who stepped forward and said, "Send me." And here you are now, standing in all your glory, ready to respond to the Convocation.

    Wonderful light is available to each of you dear ones, allow your quotient to increase daily as you RECOGNIZE more than ever – who you truly are.



    Message channeled by Leslie-Anne Menzies on December 07, 2015

    Please respect all credits when sharing
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    Translation by Ivete Brito – –

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