Let's talk about Deschooling, Unschooling and Homeschooling

    With Homeschooling gaining more and more adhesion, as we are moving out of the age of knowledge and into the age of creativity, there is nothing more proactive than not blocking our children's individual, open and curious minds. For this to occur, an individualized education that respects the speed, ability and interest of each individual is essential, and Home Teaching is fantastic in being able to provide this “tailored” education.

    Education is a personal and organic process that uses all the senses. Teaching and learning are not necessarily connected and the former does not always result in the latter. We learn when there is genuine interest, we learn when conditions are favorable, we learn when there is freedom and autonomy, we learn when we are relaxed and receptive.

    Let's talk about Deschooling, Unschooling and Homeschooling

    “A life worth living and a job worth doing is what I want for children (and all people), not just or not even just something called a better education.”

    – John Holt.

    Because this concept of Homeschooling is very new, there are still many controversies and some concepts are not very clear, such as the terms, Homeschooling, Deschooling and Unschooling. Let's talk briefly about each one:


    When the family assumes responsibility, and as a bonus, enormous satisfaction, in Education and coexistence with the children, instead of outsourcing this process through the State or a private institution.

    There are several methods and ways to develop and experience Home Education and the method chosen will depend on several factors, but mainly on the profile and lifestyle of each family, having this freedom of choice provides a liberating experience, more fun, in addition to the family being able to live in line with your own values ​​and priorities.

    The countries with the highest prevalence in Homeschooling are Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

    Here in the United States there are approximately 2 million children educated at home and some of the methods used are: Montessori, Waldorf, Charlotte Mason, Online, Unschooling and Eclectic, among others.


    It is the process of breaking free from institutional thoughts and attitudes.

    Parents starting Homeschooling should expect that the first few days, weeks or months will be affected by the Unschooling process. After all, we've spent twelve years or more engaged with the school system and soon the mindset that system spreads.

    Unschooling is a process, it has a place on the timeline, which is extremely individual and personal. Unschooling requires personal growth, being open to self-questioning, seeing your values ​​and references implode and seeing a new world emerge with more creativity and possibilities.


    It is an educational method and philosophy that advocates student-chosen activities as one of the primary means of learning. It is very gratifying for parents to see their children in search of knowledge. It is natural and healthy for children in the first years of life to learn naturally from the environment around them, they learn to walk, speak and understand facial expressions without needing anyone to formally teach them. A large component of unschooling is based on doing real things, not because we expect them to be good for us, but because they are intrinsically fascinating. There's an energy that comes from what you can't buy with a resume.

    My experience with Homeschooling has been fascinating and extremely rewarding, the more I learn and experience through this journey, the more I have the will and determination to follow this path. It's not the easiest path for me, but it's the path that makes the most sense.

    Watching my son grow up being himself and not what the world wants him to be, with freedom, spontaneity, learning at his own pace and what makes sense to him, is a wonderful experience. Life makes so much more sense!

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